Not too Young to Run.


Here's why I need you to run:

The Nigerian President earlier criticized Nigerian youths for their insensate attitude toward being irresponsible at the Commonwealth Business Forum in London.

This turbulence of behavior and words misplaced are so-called leaders, like many unsympathetic change agents in government regalia, exhibiting the exact attributes. I know what you already know; however, what we have failed to do is to halt today's unruly and selfish aspirants, not with our vote but with a mandate to contest and exercise our rights in politics. 

Our cry must not only be to reform the police system, but the presidency- if our joint efforts could dissolve SARS, then power lies within us to seek positions in the corridors of power. Just as SARS was disbanded, we must collectively work with a plan to dissolve notorious aspirants and hardship that threatens to prevail over our sanity as a nation for another four years.

We must be responsible for carrying the legacy and be youths with a passion for change undying; with that, we have contributed to paying tribute to the lives lost on that day. 

 These tyrants, undisputed and notoriety aspirants, will be defeated unequivocally. And their defeat will be a complex interplay of factors, such as abusers of human rights, brutalists, and proficient demagogues. 

And that wIll be the beginning of the end, their best days' will be two decades behind them, and it will go down in history as the most significant defeat of all time.

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