Icon Birthday: Chief Patrick Eholor celebrates with Dr. Pius Odubu

 The People of Edo State celebrate with the former Deputy Governor of Edo State, His Excellency Dr Pius Odubu and his wife.

Dignitaries from different fields were present at the occasion like the present Deputy Governor of Edo State, Philip Shaibu and the SSG of Edo State, Osarodion Ogie as well as others.

The Celebrant, Dr. Pius who is a genius and a loyalist to his people in office and after showed his gratitude to the entire people of Edo State and Nigeria at large for the support given to his administration as the Deputy Governor in Edo State, in his remarks, he appreciated all the guests.

In an interview with Chief Patriot Patrick Osagie Eholor he said " I want to celebrate with the former Deputy Governor of Edo State today, Dr. Pius Odubu, God bless you on your birthday. May His love light your path and guide you through all the challenges of lift. You are a capacity leader and I am impressed the way you unites people in regards the party affiliation whether is PDP or APC they all remain your family happy birthday!

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