The rate young ones have sex this time

 Sexual intercourse, satisfaction and intimacy has become foods and drinks for the young ones.

This concupiscence and aesthetics focus on sex is now the new normal for many under aged. 

Although many people think it has been the same way with the older generation, others repel that the decadence of culture has led to strong sexual desire and affection misplaced. 

While many have questioned the permit of sex in marital union, others differ from subscribing to the pop culture, i.e., the bandwagon of allowing their hormones to impress more on their intelligence.

You may ask why sex has become a new norm in our society.

All Campus Show interviewed vibrant young Nigerians full of life and energy to share their opinion and experience on sex. 

(All Campus Show)

ACS: What's your name?


ACS: what's your opinion about the rate of sex among this younger generation?

"When you find an effect, there will always be a cause" We all have hormones messing up our minds at the puperty stage. While other factors like obscene scenes from Hollywood, learned irresponsibility, and unemployment might contribute, our hormones play a remarkable role in our lust for sex. 

ACS: What's your name?


ACS: Have you ever had Konji, and how did you navigate that?

"Any man that is not impotent would always feel konji.  Religiously and spiritually, sex before marriage is not good, young guys should note that. I have heard sex with my girlfriend before, when I learned it was bad, I stopped and started masturbating. Although, it is not right, however, my advise would be to control yourself. 

ACS: What's your name?


ACS: Meeting a lady for the first time, would you have sex with her? 

"I don't see ladies as sex toys. I can't have sex on the first date. That's weird; you should get to know her."

ACS: What's your name?


ACS: Some culture permit sex in the marital union where it's more sacred and protected.

What's your opinion about this?

"Today, people don't feel pressured by vague social norms to obtain sex. 


On the other hand, in the western world, there's nothing wrong with having sex on the first day"  

ACS: What's your name?


ACS: How do you survive singlehood without sex?

"In this woke generation, to survive singlehood in this time and age, you must be self-disciplined and God-centered"

You could drop your personal opinion on the subject matter; must you have sex?

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