Student's vagina torn, as both male and female students died during sex

 Student's vagina torn, as both male and female students died during sex

Earlier last week, All Campus shows reported the incessant sexual act among many young Nigerians.

Reports reaching us now is the demise of two campus students at the polytechnic Ibadan, Oyo state, a capital city in Nigeria. 

In a phone interview with the Student Union President, Adedeji Adedamola, a final year student, said, "Aramide Adeleke and Oromidayo who were fellow students in Civil engineering department might have died of a combined effect of harmful generator fuel which was directly at their window and an adverse consequence of tramadol overdose and excessive activity of sex. 

He added that Oromidayo Daniel had two weeks ago lost his parents, and the sudden death of his brother on Saturday might have fueled the student and his girlfriend's excessive tramadol intake and intense sex. 

The eyewitness debunked fake news making waves of the 11 rounds of sex, saying it is misleading. 

We recall that Aramide Adeleke, who was still breathing and on life support on their arrival at UCH, Ibadan died a few hours ago after suffering a large vagina tear from overdrive of sex.

We recall that the academic activities were suspended indefinitely on the 16th of May 2022 because of the arousing polytechnic ex-students strategic protest calling on the school to resolve delays regarding releasing their final result.

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