Video: Attention APC!


I, the creator of the "flooded boundary road" video, hereby assert my rights as the owner of this intellectual property. My videos are created for the purpose of promoting good governance and political discourse, not as propaganda tools for any political party.

Any unauthorized use of this video in your propaganda or campaign materials is strictly prohibited, and will be met with legal action.

I urge the APC to respect my rights as the creator and owner of this content, and to refrain from using it without my permission.

I would like to emphasize that the video was not created for the purpose of supporting any political party, but rather as a means of drawing attention to important issues and encouraging discussion.

The APC's unauthorized use of this video is not only a violation of my rights as the owner of this intellectual property, but also a disservice to the people of Edo State, who deserve an honest and open dialogue about the issues that affect them.

I urge the APC to focus on promoting transparency and accountability in their campaign, rather than resorting to underhanded tactics that undermine the democratic process.

By using my video without my permission, the APC is sending a message that they prioritize political gain over the well-being of the people they claim to represent. This is not the kind of leadership that Edo State needs or deserves.

Instead of resorting to cheap stunts and propaganda, the APC should focus on engaging in meaningful dialogue with the citizens of Edo State, addressing their concerns, and proposing solutions that will improve their lives.

The unauthorized use of my video by the APC would constitute a violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) of 1998, which provides legal protection against copyright infringement on the internet

In particular, the APC's use of my video would likely violate Section 1201 of the DMCA, which prohibits the circumvention of technological measures that control access to copyrighted works.

By using my video without my permission, the APC would be bypassing the security measures that are in place to protect my intellectual property rights, and would therefore be liable for damages under the DMCA.

I’m Chief Dr Patrick Osagie Eholor otherwise known as Ultimate Equal, President One Love Foundation.

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