Unending Wars Of Chief Patrick Osagie Eholor.


By Michael Odigbe

Chief Dr. Patrick Osagie Eholor  is an Edo- born human rights activist  of Bini extraction. He is the President of ONE LOVE Foundation international, committed to spreading love , peace and human understanding across the world with the zeal of Bob Nesta Marley. 

One of his functional nicknames is One Love. Also, he is fondly called Ultimate Equal because of his determination in fighting for the full equality of all men irrespective of tribe, race and religion since we sre created by one loving God, the Father. 

What is more, he bas earned the award of Senior Advocate OF The Massea(SAM). He  alone shares this title with the late enigmatic lawyer, Chief Gani Fawehinmi, the foremost defender of the oppressed people of Nigeria.

Recently, the ACS students in Nigeria and diaspora confered the titular award of Father Of The Nigerian Students on Chief Dr. Patrick Eholor. 

Unlike our Local Government Chairmen, Councillors, Lawmakers, Governors and other elites who  purchase awards with public funds  or stolen money to massage their sick, deflated and anti-people egos, he merits all his awards for his unending wars to make his Utoka Community, Edo State , Nigeria and the universe a better place for all.

Chief Dr. Patrick Eholor is bold, resolute and fearless in speaking truth to power and if the need arises he mobilise against on offensive government and its institutions with himself in the forward line.

During such 'wars' he does not abandon his comrades- in- arms like Judas Iscariot traitors do; rather, he stands with them in death or glory just as late Major Isaac Adaka Boro did in the sixties while leading the  struggle for Niger Delta Region's control of its oil resources in pursuance of true fiscal federalism. Recall that heroic , kamikaze Boro was not found out for arrest when the federal government led by Major- Gen. Thomas Umunakwe Aguiyi- Ironsi put down his revoit.

However, he did not escape but submitted himself for arrest without regrets or apologies to anyone for his actions from the creeks to enable him be with his colleagues already under arrest, in true struggle no abañdonment  according to Chief Dr. Patrick Eholor's credo.

Armed with ithis Isaac Boro's mondset,  he has been prosecuting his holy, peaceful and non-violent war for better life in Nigeria.

Briefly, here are  some of his wars of liberation to create a sane society for everyone.

Abolition of Police Extracts; He says:" No man deserves to die as a result of delay in treatment because of demand for a police extract." The Inspector-General of Police and minister for health listened to his plea. No more police extract in hospitals or clinics before treatment of gun wound or accident emergency.

To be continued...

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