Videos: Rewriting History for Political Gain: The Disgraceful Appropriation of Dr. Samuel Ogbemudia’s Secretariat Building.”


The Secretariat Building, located along Sapele Road in Benin City, is a historic structure with a rich legacy that dates back to 1973

During the administration of Dr. Samuel Osaigbovo Ogbemudia as the military governor of the defunct Bendel State (now Edo and Delta states), the Secretariat was commissioned to serve as the administrative headquarters for the state government.

Ogbemudia, a visionary leader, saw the need for modern infrastructure to support the growth and development of the region.

Under Ogbemudia’s leadership, the Secretariat became a symbol of progress and prosperity, attracting business and investment to Benin City.

The building's striking colonial-era architecture, with its imposing front facade and ornate details, made it an iconic landmark in the city and a source of pride for the people of Edo State.

Ogbemudia’s commissioning of the Secretariat was part of a broader effort to transform Benin City into a modern, thriving metropolis.

Godwin Obaseki’s decision to commission the Secretariat Building, a historic structure that was built and first commissioned by Dr. Samuel Ogbemudia in 1973, was a deplorable act of appropriation and disregard for the legacy of a pioneering leader.

Obaseki’s move not only undermined Ogbemudia’s contributions to the development of Edo State but also reflected a dangerous trend in Nigerian politics: the erasure of history and the rewriting of narratives to suit the political agendas of those in power.

By taking credit for the Secretariat’s renovation and commissioning, Obaseki demonstrated a complete disregard for the facts and a willingness to exploit the ignorance of the general public.

This incident raises serious concerns about the integrity and accountability of elected officials in Nigeria.

Rather than recognizing and honoring the achievements of past leaders, Obaseki chose to erase their legacy and present himself as the sole architect of progress in Edo State.

This pattern of erasure and appropriation has long been a feature of Nigerian politics.

Leaders who prioritize personal glory over the needs of their constituents often seek to rewrite history and downplay the achievements of their predecessors.

This has a corrosive effect on democratic institutions and undermines public trust in government.

Indeed, Godwin Obaseki’s actions represent a perfect example of the proverb: "YOU CAN LIE TO EVERYONE BUT WHEN YOU START LYING TO YOURSELF THEN SOMETHING MUST BE WRONG WITH YOU."

In his attempt to take credit for the Secretariat Building’s renovation, Obaseki not only deceived the people of Edo State but also betrayed his own sense of morality and judgment.

“A faithful witness does not lie, but a false witness breathes out lies." - Proverbs 14:5

Former President Goodluck Jonathan's participation in the commissioning of the Secretariat Building alongside Governor Godwin Obaseki was highly questionable and amounts to an indictment of his judgment and ethics as a leader.

By lending his support and credibility to Obaseki’s false narrative about the building’s origins, Jonathan became complicit in a blatant act of historical distortion and appropriation.

This behavior raises serious questions about Jonathan’s commitment to honesty and integrity in politics, as well as his willingness to prioritize personal gain over the truth.

By participating in this deceptive act, Jonathan also betrayed his responsibility as a former president of Nigeria to preserve the country’s historical legacy and to promote transparency and accountability in politics.

By aligning himself with Obaseki and lending his support to the commissioning of the Secretariat Building, Jonathan sent a message to the people of Edo State and Nigeria that he is willing to turn a blind eye to lies and deception in the name of political expediency.

The actions of Godwin Obaseki’s Senior Special Assistants (SSA) and Special Assistants (SA) in this matter are disgraceful and reflect a troubling lack of respect for the legacy of Dr. Samuel Ogbemudia.

The attempt by these officials to trivialize Ogbemudia’s contributions to the development of Edo State is highly disrespectful and offensive to the people who lived through his administration and witnessed firsthand the transformative impact of his leadership.

This disregard for the truth and the legacy of past leaders is corrosive to the fabric of Nigerian society, and it undermines the ability of the country to learn from its past and build a better future for all citizens.

The actions of Governor Obaseki’s SSA and SA also raise questions about the caliber of people he surrounds himself with

When political leaders choose to surround themselves with aides who share their unethical and dishonest tendencies, it creates a toxic environment where lies and corruption can thrive.

In conclusion, the actions of Governor Godwin Obaseki and his aides in appropriating the Secretariat Building, originally commissioned by Dr. Samuel Ogbemudia, have drawn widespread condemnation and revealed a disturbing pattern of deceit and historical distortion in Nigerian politics.

As the philosopher George Santayana once said, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

In attempting to erase or rewrite history for political gain, Governor Obaseki and his aides have shown a profound lack of respect for the past and a troubling disregard for the legacy of one of Nigeria’s most visionary leaders.

While it is important for political leaders to strive for progress and innovation, they must also recognize and honor the contributions of those who came before them.

Dr. Samuel Ogbemudia was a trailblazer in Nigerian politics, and his legacy should be celebrated and upheld as an example for future generations.

By prioritizing political expediency over truth and historical accuracy, Governor Obaseki and his aides have undermined the trust and respect of the people of Edo State and set a dangerous precedent for other Nigerian politicians.

I am Chief Dr Patrick Osagie Eholor otherwise known as ultimate Equal, President One Love Foundation

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