#EFCC: Intimidating the Average Nigerian, Protecting the Powerful Few - The Need for Reform-Activist

The disturbing video of an EFCC agent brutally assaulting a hotel manager and taking her away is an appalling violation of human rights and a clear abuse of power.

There is no justification for such brutality against an innocent woman, and this incident highlights the urgent need for greater accountability within the EFCC and Nigerian law enforcement in general.

The use of excessive force, particularly against women, is a violation of the fundamental principles of justice and human dignity.

We must demand that the authorities investigate this incident thoroughly, hold the responsible parties accountable, and take steps to ensure that such atrocities never occur again.

Lagos State, the commercial hub of Nigeria, prides itself on being a center of progress and modernization. However, incidents like this remind us that there is still much work to be done to ensure that human rights are protected and respected, even in the most prosperous parts of the country.

The EFCC must be held to the highest standards of professionalism and integrity, and incidents like this serve as a reminder that more needs to be done to combat corruption and protect the rights of all Nigerians.

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) was established in 2003 with the primary objective of curbing financial and economic crimes in Nigeria. Its aims include:

 •Combating corruption: The EFCC is tasked with investigating and prosecuting cases of corruption and financial crime, including embezzlement, money laundering, and bribery.

    •Improving financial transparency: The EFCC works to enhance financial transparency and accountability in Nigeria by monitoring financial transactions, detecting financial crimes, and enforcing financial regulations.

 • Promoting good governance: The EFCC seeks to promote good governance by ensuring that public officials are held accountable for their actions and that public funds are used for the benefit of the Nigerian people.

Facilitating international cooperation: The EFCC works with international law enforcement agencies to track down financial criminals and recover stolen assets. This effort aims to prevent corruption from crossing national borders and harming the Nigerian economy.

Raising public awareness: The EFCC also engages in public education campaigns to raise awareness about financial crimes and encourage citizens to report suspicious activities.

The conduct of the EFCC agent in the video described violates several provisions of the Nigerian Constitution, including:

Section 34 (1) (a): "Every individual is entitled to respect for the dignity of his person, and accordingly no person shall be subject to torture or to inhuman or degrading treatment."

Section 36 (6) (c): "Every person who is charged with a criminal offence shall be entitled...to be presumed innocent until he is proved guilty."

Section 35 (1): "Every person shall be entitled to his personal liberty and no person shall be deprived of such liberty save in the following cases and in accordance with a procedure permitted by law." The forceful detention and transport of the hotel manager without due process violates this right to personal liberty.

Section 17 (2) (b): "The security and welfare of the people shall be the primary purpose of government," implies that the use of force and brutality by government agents violates the fundamental purpose of governance, which is to protect the rights of citizens.

While the EFCC was originally established to combat financial crimes and corruption in Nigeria, recent incidents have raised concerns that the agency may be using its powers to intimidate and harass ordinary citizens, while high-profile politicians and government officials continue to evade prosecution.

In contrast, high-ranking officials and politicians accused of corruption are often given preferential treatment, with investigations dragging on for months or years without any real progress. Some have even managed to evade prosecution altogether, leaving many Nigerians to question the EFCC's commitment to holding the powerful accountable for their actions.

This dual standard not only undermines public trust in the EFCC, but also perpetuates a culture of impunity that allows corrupt officials to evade justice and continue to exploit Nigeria's resources for their own personal gain.

I'm Chief Dr Patrick Osagie Eholor otherwise known as Ultimate Equal President One Love Foundation

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