One Love Foundation calls out Aviation Minister, Ambassador over stranded Nigerian lady in instabul.


A Nigerian lady spotted in a viral video crying as she was stranded stranded at the airport in instabul, according to her, she said she had 22 hours stop over instabul and before this ticket was booked, it is clearly stated in their website that passengers would be checked in to hotel, sponsor by the airline.
On getting there, to the help desk she was told that she doesn't have access to go into instabul with her Nigeria passport, it has to be a consulate visa and none of these was stated on the website, this Nigerian lady spotted in a viral video lamented that she was told nothing can be done about it, although they offer a meal ticket but that is the best they can do, it's so sad to wait for 21 hours at the airport, it's really made me feel bad she said, this situation made me thought about my country Nigeria, that how did we get here that others will have free access to a place but Nigerians will only get the worst treatment, who are the people in charge of this? the government officials, who should stand for us to make sure we don't suffer this anymore, who is in charge of negotiating this among the Nigeria government officials? The lady asked!

However, speaking on this, The Global President of One Love Foundation and the father of Nigerian Students-FONS, Chief Dr. Patrick Osagie Eholor otherwise known as Ultimate Equal, Senior advocate of the Masses and the voice of the voiceless has made his comments on the complain of this Nigerian young lady.

In his statement, Dr. Eholor said that Nigeria has paid her dues in Africa and the world at large and we do not deserve any limitations in the world, he said: "Nigerians are good people and if you go round the world, you will notice that Nigerians are doing good in all their endeavors, talking about education as an instance, Nigerians are so brilliant and useful to the world, most of the African superstars in Africa are from Nigeria but these countries have not learnt their lessons, they still continue to disrespect Nigerians.

"Imagine this Nigerian lady with her children who bought a turkey airline and had a stop over in instabul but denied accessing the city while other nationalities were allowed to access the City just because of the color of her skin and the Nigerian passport. Although it also happened to me in China, they respected my Canadian passport and disrespected my Nigerian passport and I fought it.

Moreover, the indians, Lebanese built schools here in Nigeria, Nigerian men and women are employed as the security but will not allow our children to attend the school with their children, this is condemnable, this is discrimination in our land and we are saying no to it.

According to "​International air transportation is governed by a complex and fragmented system of global regulatory agencies. Aviation law has always been a challenging field involving international borders, multiple jurisdictions, and conflicting requirements."

According to "There are two codes assigned to the airports with the aim of controlling the cargo and passenger transportation."

What Does IATA Do?

IATA aims at providing a good and efficient service for both passengers and airline companies. IATA provides specialty in high speed, eligibility, safety, productivity. IATA works through a membership program. In seminars and meetings organized at specific periods, various issues of countries are solved.

IATA defines the standards of air transportation.

IATA creates a fair competition among airline companies.

IATA designates the cargo transportation procedures.

IATA defines the standards for terminal designs and its management

IATA takes up a role in the standardization process of the utilized equipment.

Therefore, Dr. Eholor is now calling the aviation Minister, Festus Keyamo to make sure that the Turkish airline is sanctioned untill they apologize and give compensation to this stranded Nigerian lady.
Minister of Foreign affairs should also stand her feet to ensure that he talk to Nigerian ambassador there in Turkey to do the needful, what is our ambassador doing over this if he cannot fight for his people? Dr. Eholor concluded 

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