ACS cash give away: Jobus approves cash and foodstuffs for 5 states.


Labour Party Deputy Governorship aspirant and National President of All Campus Show Nigeria, Hon. Busuyi Ojo-Jobus has approved the give away event for the students in Edo, Ekiti, Kano and Taraba states.

Jobus in his statement with the journalists today said " Students in Nigeria is our priority and we must focus on them, we are using our personal money to fund their well-being without gaining anything, we know that one day, we will get to the government office in order to do better for people, Nigerians are great people and they deserve better, especially all our students.

Therefore, we have approved a token to the remaining states such as Edo, Ekiti, Kano and Taraba States, please let all the states president share this cash accordingly, we also have foodstuffs to be shared, please manage "

Speaking with the Kano state president of All Campus Show, Comrade Bala Ismail appreciate the efforts of All Campus Show on Nigerian Students, especially the less privileged ones.

In his words, he stated that "Thanks to almighty God for giving us somebody like Jobus, the great man of our time, he put his life in risk to look for us, to fight for Nigerian Students without any profit, no government sponsor, but for the love he has for his people, he is doing all these, I want to say thank you to him and other national Excos, may God bless All Campus Show. Sometimes when we are down in school, maybe an issue happen in school, like when we lost Students, Jobus will leave his comfort zone, fly from state to state to check on Students community when it matter most, may Almighty Allah bless him. I will also visit him in his place one day as he has invited me to come over, he is a great man" Bala concluded 

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