Edo 2024: Opinion: Tame Oshiomole to prevent APC second loss count, Osa and Eholor to President Tinubu and Ganduje.


Edo 2024: Opinion: Tame Oshiomole to prevent APC second loss count, Osa and Eholor to President Tinubu and Ganduje.

Some Edo State Political stakeholders have advised the All Progressive Congress (APC) National Chairman, Abdullahi Ganduje and the founder of the national ruling party, President Bola Tinubu to caution Comrade Oshiomole before it's too late.

Osa Director, a Journalist and Lawyer as well as Chief Dr. Patrick Eholor(FoNS) otherwise known as Ultimate Equal, a publisher, Labour Party Chieftain and President of One Love Foundation in different articles have on behalf of Edo people advised the APC head to tame the action of Oshiomole if APC is not interested in loosing Edo Governorship it happened in 2020.

According to Osa "What may look like an easy victory for APC is been complicated by the self inflicted minefields planted by Oshomhole. Once again, Oshomhole by his deprecating political manoeuvres and shenanigans is working to scuttle the victory of APC come September 2024."

Meanwhile, Eholor in his article commended Osa that "The Osa Director's piece on the upcoming governorship election in Edo State presents a detailed analysis of the political landscape, particularly focusing on the internal struggles within the ruling PDP and the challenges faced by the APC, especially due to the actions of former Governor Adams Oshiomole"

Furthermore, Dr. Eholor also said that the Election is going to be between the APC and the Labour Party, he explained that the godfatherism which dethroned Oshiomole in 2020 election will also dethrone Godwin Obaseki for imposing Asue Ighodalo on Edo State as the governor.

Dr. Eholor in his statement with the press advised all the parties to shun godfatherism, he said the candidate with competent and good character should win the election. 

Although, if the the Election is between APC and Labour Party, it doesn't mean that Oshiomole will be able to win Edo seat for APC, because Oshiomole has not learnt his lesson.

Infact, these are candid suggestions to the APC head to avoid loosing Edo Governorship as they did in 2020 election, although APC cannot stand people's choice, people's choice will definitely come to pass this time around, the Osa findings and suggestion are like thunder turning fire on Oshiomole's head, the statement that made us to understand the weaknesses of Oshiomole and the negative effects on Edo politics.

According to thegavel.com Osa statements in the article analyzed that "The coming governorship election in Edo state slated for September 2024 comes with a lot of excitement, tension and intrigues. The ruling Peoples Democratic Party, PDP in the state is engrossed with internecine strife, as a result of the dog fight between Governor Godwin Obaseki and his deputy, Phlilps Shaibu on one hand, and Obaseki’s war of attrition with the Party Executive Council led by the National Vice Chairman (South-South) Dan Orbih on another hand.

"Meanwhile, the All Progressives Congress, APC, is intent on reclaiming the state it lost in 2020 due to the desperation of former Governor Adams Oshiomhole to transmute into a political god father, a situation which led to Edolites choking him with a humble pie.

"Now, with APC’s retention of power at the federal level, Edo state looks ripe enough for plucking, especially with the politically self destructive and immolating politics and governance style of Governor Obaseki.

"However, what may look like an easy victory for APC is been complicated by the self inflicted minefields planted

by Oshomhole. Once again, Oshomhole by his deprecating political manoeuvres and shenanigans is working to scuttle the victory of APC come September 2024.

"The former khaki wearing labour unionist as a victim of illusion of self grandeur is common place. For those who know him, Oshiomhole wants to be the only cock that crows in Edo state politics. His propensity for self promotion and zeal to be Edo State political godfather has made him read Jagaban’s book of Godfatherism upside down. Hence, at the expense of the party’s victory he has embarked on a journey to political perdition by attempting to implant his will and wish over that of the APC as a party, and the generality of Edo people.

"In its wisdom the APC has stated clearly that the governorship will not be zoned to any body or senatorial zone. Hence 29 aspirants across the three senatorial zones have indicated their interests to contest the governorship post under the platform of APC. That has created intense exictement, decent politiking and horse trading in the state’s APC. But Oshomhole, the opinionated and self appointed leader of the party in the state would have none of that.

"In a manner characteristic of a meddlesome interloper, Oshiomhole set up a kangaroo committee to screen the 29 aspirants and reduce them to six. But in what capacity can he do that? Where did he derive the powers to set up a screening committee? Is he a one man National Working Committe to do so? Does he have the authority of President Bola Tinubu, the national leader of the party, President and Commander- In -Chief? Was he mandated by Abdullahi Ganduje, the national chairman of APC to do so? Questions about the integrity and legality of his actions are too numerous to mention.

"Free entry and exit, equal and uninhibited participation by all citizens is a fundamental principle and propellant of democracy and the rule of law. Therefore, why is the erstwhile labour unionist determined to restrict and shut out those he does not fancy their faces out of the political process?

  Oshiomhole as National Chairman of APC have not allowed anyone to restrict his authority and access to the party funds the way and manner that he is doing to Ganduje? As they say in boxing, Oshiomhole has a glassy jaw. He can dish out jabs to others but cannot take any!

"Most discerning political observers see beyond former governor Oshiomhole’s charade masked in the guise of statesmanship and attempt to foster party unity by pruning the numbers of aspirants. For example, Oshiomhole simply wrote the six names that were announced and gave to the so called screening committee. He did not allow them do an independent job. So, why not boldly come out to state his preference rather than soil the name and political career of the committee members by using them as a decoy to achieve his diabolical political agenda?

"To signpost Oshiomhole’s innate cravings for political domination and self aggrandizement, the committee on resumption of their assignment argued that it would be unfair to Edo South senatorial district, which is bigger than the two other senatorial districts combined to also produce only two aspirants. In deference to reason and political wisdom the committee unanimously agreed that Edo south should produce four asiprants as against two each by the two other senatorial districts. That was how Pastor Osagie Ize-Iyamu and Major-General Charles Airiavbere were added to the list.

"Unfortunately, Oshiomhole would have none of that, as he went livid with rage, telling the committee that they went beyond their terms of reference. He bullied them to go and announce the two names in Edo South that he submitted to them. They were the former deputy governor under Prof Oserhiemen Osunbor, that is, Lucky Imasuen, and a serving member of the House of Representatives, Dennis Idahosa.

"It is laughable and tragi-comical that Oshiomhole could reject the two strongest aspirants from Edo South, and also a third that was not even mentioned, the former minister of works, Engr Chris Ogremwonyi for a young Idahosa who still has political catarrh to clear from his nasal cavity.

"Truth be told, without sentiments and political adumbration Ize-Iyamu remains the most strategic and energetic political mobilizer in Edo State today . He is the political Numero uno in Edo state. Saying that Ize-Iyamu does not matter is akin to going to Kano state and say that Rabiu Musa Kwankwaso does not matter, or go to Lagos state before Tinubu became president and say he does not matter. That would be approximating and cultvating a rendevous with political disaster and suicide.

Airiavbere , apart from being a retired Major- General, was the PDP governorship candidate in 2012 and gave Oshiomhole a run for his mettle as a sitting governor. Suddenly, they dont matter, simply because a certain delusional political demigod cannot stand their guts!

"Down to Edo central senatorial zone, Oshomhole pencilled the immediate past state chairman of APC, Dr (Col.) David Imuse and a serving senator, Monday Okpebholo as his choice. He looked beyond the former governor, and his predecessor in office, Osunbor who is a professor of Law and gentleman. Even as Osunbor could not meet the amorphous standards set by Oshiomhole, his(Osunbor”s) deputy while in office, Imasuen from Edo South met the cut off mark.He also rejected another professor of political science, and pro democracy activist, Sylvester Odion-Akhaine. Truth be told, when the likes of Akhaine risked their lives to fight military dictatorship and attain our present democracy Oshiomhole was no where near the scene.

"Oshomhole’s rejection of these eminent professors with unquestionable pedigree did not actually come as a surprise. He has a reputational snub and scare of intellectuals, but with a strange preference for red necks.

"However in his home senatorial destrict of Edo North, Oshiomhole picked the two strongest aspirants in Clement Agba, the immediate past minister of National planning and a recently retired Federal Permanent Secretary, Ernest Umakhihe. Hence, is his agenda of prebandalism and ethnic chauvinism not obvious?

"The so called screening was self serving as there are also verifiable claims of a particular political leader from the state collecting three brand new Prado jeeps from three different aspirants whose name appeared on the censored list. That is beside the obscene millions of naira/dollars that exchanged hands between them.

"President Tinubu and Ganduje must call Oshiomhole to order and immediately tame his audacity of impunity if APC wants to win Edo State. Oshiomhole made APC to lose the state in 2020. Therefore, history must not be allowed to repeat itself. But if men refuse to learn from the lessons of history, history will teach them a lesson by repeating itself.

Consequently, President Tinubu and Ganduje and all men of good conscience and clout in the APC must rein in Oshiomhole so that thunder should not be allowed to strike twice in one place. If it does, the consequences will be dire and unparralled. Every willing aspirants must be allowed to contest in a level playing field, otherwise that would be the begining of the end of APC in Edo State."

However, Chief Dr. Patrick Eholor also contributed to the suggestions made by Mr. Osa "The Osa Director's piece on the upcoming governorship election in Edo State presents a detailed analysis of the political landscape, particularly focusing on the internal struggles within the ruling PDP and the challenges faced by the APC, especially due to the actions of former Governor Adams Oshiomhole.

"Mr Osa Director criticizes Oshiomhole's alleged interference in the APC's selection process, raising questions about the legality and integrity of his actions. The piece argues that Oshiomhole's desire for political dominance and self-aggrandizement might hinder the party's chances in the election. It emphasizes the importance of a fair and transparent selection process, allowing all aspirants a level playing field.

"The article suggests that Oshiomhole's rejection of certain aspirants, including those with notable achievements and political experience, may be influenced by personal biases. It also hints at corruption within the selection process, citing claims of gifts exchanged between aspirants and a political leader.

"The director calls on party leaders, specifically mentioning President Tinubu and Ganduje, to intervene and prevent a repeat of the 2020 election outcome. The piece concludes with a warning that failure to learn from history might result in dire consequences for the APC in Edo State.

"In summary, the Osa Director's words highlight concerns about internal party dynamics, alleged improprieties in the selection process, and the potential impact on the party's success in the upcoming election. The call for intervention from prominent party figures underscores the urgency of addressing these issues for the party's unity and electoral success." Eholor concluded

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