State of Education: Be a leader by example not by mouth, Eholor calls out for good educational funding.


By Busuyi Ojo-Jobus

Nigeria economy, leadership and system have been affected by the low rate of quality education. Although, education comprises not only teaching of subjects in schools, but also the mind to taking responsibilities and having good character towards the national development, that is what defines an educated person.

In other words, taking social and economic responsibility is one of the lessons to be learnt in school, a slogan in Universities while describing the graduands says ...'he graduates in character and learning' this always means that all good characters a child needs cannot be given by the parents alone, many are to be invoked into him through education, therefore, if any child misses this in his school time by not having good education, he will become a terror to his generation. Many individuals in government today are terror to their generation by not taking responsibilities loin to their offices and this is affecting the society today by causing more terrors.

Meanwhile, according to stated the roles of government in education "The government can subsidize education in several forms including school fees for low-income parents. School fees could be lowered in favor of needy parents and students so that anyone can afford the school fees regardless of the financial status. Education fights poverty in the nation and the society, therefore as the country gives training to its needy citizens the government will be significantly investing in its future economy and status. Since any nation that has got a higher percentage of educated members or elites means that the country is rich. Therefore to eliminate poverty the government has to eradicate illiteracy among its people."

In many sane countries, government gives priority to education because it is the light of the Nation according to Chief Dr. Patrick Osagie Eholor otherwise known as Ultimate Equal, the Father of Nigerian Students-FONS and Global President of One Love Foundation. 

Our correspondence gathered from his social media handle today, he spoke on bad governance producing bad education, he also encouraged, charged and advised government on what to do on education before they could be seen as good leaders.

Eholor said "Education they say is the light of a Nation but what becomes of a Nation with leaders who are selfish and careless on the Education sector precisely? 

"The state of education in Nigeria is a tragedy, and it is time we put the blame where it belongs: The politicians have been more concerned with lining their pockets than investing in schools, and the rich have been hoarding their wealth instead of supporting education initiatives. As a result, our schools are crumbling, our teachers are underpaid, and our students are suffering. The government and the rich need to wake up and realize that education is the foundation of a strong society, and they need to start investing in it.

"I watch a video with utmost dismay, where children, the primary school students are sitting and lying on the floor in the  classroom. I am calling out on Ojezele Sunday Osezua, the PDP state House of Assembly member representing Esan South East to wake up to his responsibilities and fix all the dilapidated schools in his constituency, sometimes when I watch such disturbing video I begin to wonder if our leaders are deliberately wicked, you contested for a position just to serve the people and before you attained that position you went round various places soliciting for support and votes when the people finally vote you in the next thing you go mute and possibly block every means means possible so no one except your families and political elite can reach out to you! 

"To all the governorship candidates that are coming out gradually to canvas for support especially the one General Obaseki is behind Asue Ighidalo, you all do not have to be elected as Governor or Senator before you can execute a project in your local communities, you should show yourself worthy of that position first before coming out for any position, I’ve done my part by rehabilitating some school in my mother’s land (UTOKA) I did so without the support of anyone and I don’t have the intention to come out for any political position. You all can do the same for the betterment of Edo state and Nigeria at large." Eholor concluded.

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