Thank you for joining the EDOCSO peaceful Protest, Eholor appreciates the participants.


One of the #endsars protest key players, Chief  Dr. Patrick Osagie Eholor otherwise known as Ultimate Equal, Global President of One Love Foundation  the father of Nigerian Students-FONS who is respected by the youths of the country for his everytime supports to the national development, checkmating the Government, assisting the Government by providing free public opinions, he is a country's helper, agitating for the real change.

However, President Bola Tinubu said he was going to remove subsidy immediately and make other sectors active, upon his assumption of office and after the removal of subsidy four bills signed in two weeks. reported "The House of Representatives has passed a bill to make provision for N500b palliatives to cushion the effects of fuel subsidy removal on Nigerians."

"The bill passed through both second and third readings after clause by clause consideration by the Committee of Supply, Chaired by the Speaker, Hon. Tajudeen Abbas at plenary on Thursday."

"The amendment bill is sequel to a request by President Bola Tinubu to the House on Wednesday to extract N500b from the 2022 supplementary budget to provide palliatives for subsidy removal."

"The legislation was titled “A Bill for an Act to Authorize the issuance of the sum of (N500, 000, 000, 000.00) five hundred billion, Naira, only from the 2022 Supplementary Appropriations of (N819, 536, 937, 815.00) only for the provisions of palliatives to Nigerians to cushion the effect of fuel subsidy removal”.

Daily Post reported(July 19, 2023) and gave the breakdown of the fund and how it was shared 

 "Last week, the National Assembly amended the N819.5 billion 2022 supplementary budget containing an approval for N70 billion to support what it described as the working conditions of new lawmakers."

"The amendment was passed in both chambers of the National Assembly barely 24 hours after President Bola Ahmed Tinubu forwarded the request to the parliament."

"A breakdown of the amended N819.5 billion supplementary budget shows that N500 billion goes for palliatives to cushion the effect of the recent fuel subsidy removal on Nigerians, while N185 billion is for the Ministry of Works and Housing to alleviate the impact of the flooding disaster suffered in the country in 2022 on road infrastructure across the six geopolitical zones."

"Further details also showed that the sum of N19.2 billion was allocated to the Ministry of Agriculture to alleviate the massive destruction to farmlands across the country during the flooding experienced last year; N10 billion to the Federal Capital Territory Administration for critical projects; N35 billion to the National Judicial Council; and N70 billion for the National Assembly to support the working conditions of new members."

"However, the allocation of N70bn to the lawmakers has attracted more criticism and mixed reactions from Nigerians."

Upon these aforementioned, some errors were spotted by Eholor in which Edo Civil Society Organization(EDOCSO) took up a peaceful protest on the increment in fuel pump as well as other form of corruption in the aforementioned approval of funds.

The peaceful protest was a successful one that took place in Edo State yesterday.

Eholor in his statement with thee Journalists today shown a grateful heart to those that came to join the peaceful protest, in his words he said:

"I want to thank my brother’s and sisters for their solidarity and support to join the civil society to have a peaceful protest yesterday and I want to thank the security agents especially the police who were present to safeguard life and property as enshrined in our constitution, we are continuing to press our demand to tell our president Asiwaju Bola Tinubu to use the 500 Billion to repair our refineries so that the youth can have gainful employment, we will endure the pain the 8 thousand Naira will put us in more abject poverty, finally the 110 billion proposed to buy bullet proof vehicles for the Alibaba and the 40 thieves of Akpabio in house of senate and house of reps is totally unacceptable and rejected."

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