UNIBEN students in a rift with Nigerian soldiers, blame Federal Government.

The current state of the Nation since the inception of this Government has been from one complain to the other by the citizens. 

Talking about the insecurity, economy breakdown, South East sit at home, election tensions over fuel scarcity and new naira note design to be precise has caused a lots of havoc among the citizens as news got to us this night that ATM queue caused chaos between the UNIBEN students and some army officers this evening in the University of Benin. 

However, according to the report, the eye witness who pleaded to be anonymaous lectured us about the incident that the soldiers came in to bye pass a long queue which another report is against it. 

"Although, there is noone to blame, the thing is just that everybody is angry in the country, the soldiers also have assignment which they need funds to carry out as well as the students who has been on the queue since morning."

Moreover, reports has it that the Soldiers forcefully went to the ATM and took turns in withdrawing, in the process of doing this, they suspected a female student holding her phone to be recording their acts. They immediately beckoned on their female counterpart to beat up the young lady . But fortunately for her the UNIBEN Police intervened in the process . 

This was not welcomed by the angry Soldiers who questioned the police decision to rescue the Girl from their claws. The police on the other hand was irked by the approach of the soldiers in handling the issue and this further escalated the matter which ended up With exchange of blows and slaps.

The students thought it was very unfair of the Military attacking them in their School Premises instead of protecting them and came out En mass to express their displeasure with the act.

Commuters of the Ugbowo Lagos road were unexpectedly left stranded as angry Students of the University, swiftly took to protests by converging at the Main gate axis to block the federal road,  expression of their anger and thus denying commuters free access to their destination.

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