Chief Dr. Eholor fighting for democracy refers to Obaseki as a dictator says Tony Abumere case against Obaseki must treated with justice.

The Democracy Observer General and The President of One Love Foundation, Chief Dr. Patrick Osagie Eholor, otherwise known as the Ultimate equal, Has recently shown interest in case RE: SUIT NO.HEK/MISC/16/202 B/2/OS/13: TONY ABUMERE OKONIGENE V. THE GOVERNOR OF EDO STATE & 2 ORS.

The Case which is between the aforementioned parties originated from Governor Obaseki’s decision to handpick and appoint persons which were not democratically elected to administer and manage the Affairs of the Local Government Council in Edo State

Describing his interest in the case Eholor said “Edo people are not stupid. There is nothing like liason  Officers within the local government. The governor should appoint a care taker committee or conduct an election. But he is now known for hand-picking people to continue with Liason in the local governments, Which is wrong”.

 Chief Eholor remarked that the act will  tarnish the Edo PDP as he did Edo APC, as he vowed to challenge him to court, reiterating that there’s nothing like Liason in Edo state.

However, Ultimate Equal calls on the judiciary to maintain fair judgement in their works and exercise freedom of justice which is their birthright especially on this present case below.

The Case reads: 



We have been briefed and our services retained as Solicitors to MR. TONY ABUMERE OKONIGENE (hereinafter referred to as “our Client”) at whose behest we make these telling representations to your good self.

This letter is tailored to formally intimate you of the pendency and subsistence of the Judgment referenced above wherein the Edo State High Court coram: Hon. Justice T. Akomolafe-Wilson in its Judgment delivered on 16th day of May, 2012 declared inter alia that the Governor of Edo State lacks the power to handpick or recommend persons not democratically elected to be screened or ratified by the Edo State House of Assembly for the purpose of appointing persons as caretaker or transition committee members to administer and/or manage the affairs of Local Government Council in Edo State.


Our Client briefed us and we verily believed him that the action was commenced via Originating Summons seeking for the determination of the following questions to wit:

“Whether by virtue of section 7(1) of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria as amended on the 10th day of January, 2011, the 1st Defendant may and/or should nominate, recommend, handpick, appoint and/or continue the appointment of unelected persons or caretaker or transition committee members to administer and/or manage the affairs of Local Government Council in Edo State indefinitely?

Whether by virtue s.7(1) of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria (as amended) on the 10th day of January, 2011, it is not ultra vires the powers of the 2nd Defendant to further grant an extension of the tenure of the local Government Transition Committee in Edo State for the 1st Defendant indefinitely?

Whether the provision of section 10(4)-(10) of the Local Government Amendment Law 2000 as amended is still subsisting having regard to the bold and courageous judgment of erudite Hon. Justice E.F. Ikponmwen delivered on 30th day of May, 2007 in suit No.B/115/2007 between Edo State Independent Electoral Commission & 7 Ors and His Excellency the Governor of Edo State & 2 Ors?

Whether the resolution of the 2nd Defendant made at its sittings on Wednesday, the 1st day of June, 2011 further approving the extension of the tenure of the Local Government Transition Committee in Edo State indefinitely pending when the Edo State Independent Electoral Commission will ready to conduct election into Local Government Council in Edo State pursuant to Edo State Local Government Law 2000 as amended which provides for a period of not more than three months?”

Having distilled these questions, the Plaintiffs, qua, counsel proceeded to seek the following reliefs against the Defendants jointly and severally:

“A declaration that by virtue of section 7(1) of the 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria as amended on the 10th day of January, 2011, the 1st Defendant lacks the powers to handpick, recommend persons not democratically elected to be screened or ratified by the 2nd Defendant for the purpose of appointing the persons as members of Local Government Transition members in Edo State of Nigeria?

A declaration that the resolution of the 2nd Defendant made at its sittings on Wednesday the 1st day of June, 2011, further approving tenure extension of the local Government Transition Committee in Edo State for the 1st Defendant indefinitely pending the Edo State Independent Electoral Commission will be ready to conduct election into Local Government Council in Edo State pursuant to Edo State Local Government Law 2000 as amended, is based on non-existing law, vague, uncertain, unconstitutional, invalid, null and void and of no effect whatsoever as same clearly violates the civil rights and obligations of the Plaintiff.

A declaration that the extension of appointment of members of Transition committee into Local Government Council in Edo State indefinitely pursuant to the resolution of the 2nd Defendant made at its sitting on Wednesday the 1st day of June, 2020 is vague, uncertain, unconstitutional, invalid, null and void and of no effect whatsoever.

An order setting aside the purported resolution of the 2nd Defendant made at its sitting on Wednesday the 1st day of June, 2020 further approving tenure extension of the local Government Transition Committee in Edo State for the 1st Defendant indefinitely pending the Edo State Independent Electoral Commission will be ready to conduct election into Local Government Council in Edo State pursuant to Edo State Local Government Law 2000 as amended.

An order of injunction restraining the 2nd Defendant from further granting an extension of appointment the tenure of Local Government Transition Committee in Edo State to the 1st Defendant.”

4. That upon careful bisection, dissection and consideration of the evidence on record and the law on the subject matter, the Edo State High Court coram: Hon. Justice T. Akomolafe-Wilson in its Judgment delivered on 16th day of May, 2012, answered the questions distilled in the Originating Summons (copiously quoted above) in favour of the Plaintiff (our client herein) and reliefs sought therefrom were consequently granted as supplicated by our Client.

5. That a death knell sounded on our client’s latest theory when he saw and read on various social media handles that you have handpicked, nominated, recommended or selected some persons not democratically elected to be screened or ratified by the Edo State House of Assembly (who were the 2nd Defendant in the above referenced Judgment) for the purpose of appointing the persons as members of Local Government Transition Council in Edo State contrary to the soul, spirit and letters of subsisting Judgment of court of competent jurisdiction.


With the greatest respect your excellency, this action, is to say the least, a defilement of the Judgment of court of competent jurisdiction variously referenced above. Indeed, it is now firmly settled that court judgments or orders are meant to be obeyed and must be obeyed even if such order(s) is perverse until set aside by a superior court. The decision to handpick, select or nominate persons not democratically elected into the Local Government Transition Council in Edo State is in contempt of the Judgment referenced above, id est, contempt exfacie curiae and amount to executive rascality. To allow this to pass and stand, will cascade the society to the Hobbesian state of nature where life was brutish, nasty and short.


In view of the foregoing, we have our client’s instructions to respectfully supplicate and/or requisition  your good self to disassociate your esteemed personality from this ignoble act and discontinue with the action or decision to handpick, select or nominate persons not democratically elected into the Local Government Transition Council in Edo State with immediate effect as there is a subsisting final judgment of court of competent jurisdiction on the subject matter hanging on the State like the sword of Damocles, in respect of which there is no pending appeal.

Please, accept the assurances of our esteemed professional regards.

Yours faithfully, 

Pp: Neplus Ultra Attorneys Dr. Eholor fighting for democracy refers to Obaseki as a dictator says Tony Abumere case against Obaseki must treated with justice.

Anderson U. Asemota Esq., MCIArb.(UK).

        Principal/Managing Partner

For the avoidance of doubt and ease of reference, please find enclosed Sir:


A copy of the High Court Judgment in Suit No. B/312/2004


The Speaker,

Edo State House of Assembly,

Chief Anthony Enahoro Complex,

Benin City.

Mr. Speaker Sir,

The above is for your information please


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