Breakings: Prophetess Happy Edema sues Actress Doris ogala for 1 billion over continuous defamatory.

Prophetess Happy Edema has sue Actress Doris ogala for 1 billion over continuous  defamatory comments on Ruth Matthew and Prophet Fufenyi Jeremiah case:

News making the round, had it that

Sometime ago, a woman, identified as Ruth Matthew, who had accused the founder of Christ Mercy Land Church in Warri, Delta State, Prophet Jeremiah Fufeyin, of kidnapping her child, who was later arrested and charged to Delta State Magistrate Court, drew the sympathy of Prophetess Happy Edema of Happiness ministries intl who out of her benevolence, good heart  and care, actually provided legal support, health care, logistics and miscellaneous assistance to the said Ruth Matthew during her trivails. What has followed after wards, is that a certain Nollywood actress with name as Doris Ogala, some bloggers alongside a Nigeria-France based blogger with name as Chantel Isikhueme Adebayo operating Chantel Kev TV has continuously without any justifiable  cause defamed and criminally slandered prophetess happy name for her role and assistance in this case of Ruth Matthew by continuousy calling names like theif, fraudster, a low life and other derogatory names without any caution, and all this defamation was done  during several instances on different internet tv, and Facebook digital platforms by Doris ogala and her cronies.

However Ruth Matthew case actually  attracted sympathies and attention after, she  alleged that her child went missing at the Christ MercyLand Church in Warri, adding that the owner of the church, Prophet Jeremiah Omoto Fufeyin had a hand in the child’s disappearance. It was on that basics prophetess happiness decided to assist Ruth Matthew in her  own capacity. 

Furthermore in the suit filed by fiery Abuja human rights lawyer, Samuel ihensekhien jnr on 13th January 2023 on behalf of prophetess happy edema against actress Doris ogala for reparative , compensatory damages and retractive claims against actress Doris u ogala, who also most times, bear the name: chioma Johnson  was filed at FCT High Court.

Part of the case filed at fct high court with suit no fct/hc/cv/73/23 at paragraph s 13 have it that:

The defendant referring to Doris ogala did a voice note and was played on the 7th January 2023 on the facebook 

page of a blogger with name as chantel Adebayo Isikhueme on chaneltel 

kev facebook broadcast and was listened to and heard by more than fifty 

person and the plaintiff friends, lawyer and family members and this

facebook broadcast further lowered the reputation and destroyed the 

mind of aforementioned persons who are all close to the plaintiff,who now 

avoid plaintiff and think lowly of the plaintiff,that she is corrupt ,a 

fraudster and very untrusted person scamming innocent persons of the 

society with her involvement in this ruth matthew.

13. That before this time, the defendant have been also involved in series of 

defamatory comments and blackmail against the plaintiff seen by plaintiff 

close friends and relatives. That the defamatory comments where made on 

the plaintiff face book official page with name as Happiness Ministries 

International by the defendant using different facebook names like :de 

mma,OKEZUO ABIA DAVAS and DORIS OGALA U in continuously defaming, 

blackmailing and lowering the reputation of the plaintiff and they include 


a. Referring to plaintiff like :who born this old girl

b. Referring to plaintiff:her naked video where she was seducing prof ex just 


c. Moreso the defendant dispayed the above fake and doctored naked video on 

the plaintiff facebook page.

d. In other instances,defamatory comments and blackmailing comments were 

sent by the defendant vide her facebook page of doris ogala u to the plaintiff 

through direct messages,which was seen by plaintiff lawyer and facebook 

page admins,where the defendant constantly defamed ,lower and abuse the 

reputation of plaintiff and accussed the plaintiff of lowly conducts, defrauding 

ruth matthew,calling plaintiff theif, and blackmailing the plaintiff to account 

for funds which are not in her custody.

e. Also the defendant vide whats app message with Nigeria phone number with 

09077460711 also send pseudo messages to plaintiff and seen by the plaintiff 

friends and workers, sharing fake plaintiff doctored nudes and continuously 

defaming the plaintiff, by calling her all manner of names and herein lowering 

the reputation of the plaintiff in the eyes of every one who saw this message,

and by implication making the plaintiff to like a invalid and dishonest 

corruptible personality to everyone who saw this messages.

Reacting on the above case, prophetess happy edema  said she filed this suit in other to stop forthwith further blackmailing and  defamatory comments on internet platforms by actress Doris ogala and her cronies  against her.

That by this suit, she believed all the defamatory allegations made against her and paid gossip by Doris ogala and cronies will be put to stop.

The suit also has some reliefs against  actress Doris ogala , which include vizaviz :

A . The sum of one billion naira only being general and aggravated damages 

seperately against the Defendant.

B. An order of the honorable court for an apology and well worded retraction 

by the defendant to be published in a similarly conspicious manner in any 

trending facebook, digital and online broadcasting channel alongside a 

nigeria local newspaper as may be determined by the court and within such 

time after the judgement as honorable court may direct.

C. An order of perpetual Injunction Restraining the defendant from howsoever 

publishing, broadcasting through any means including online and onsite 

defamatory contents, words and comments against the Plaintiff in whatever 


D. A Further order restraining the defendant,her agents, proxies or any persons 

connected with the defendant online howsoever From publishing

,broadcasting through any means including online and onsite defamatory 

contents, words and comments against the Plaintiff in whatever form.

As at press time on 17th January 2023, no date has been fixed for hearing and other injunctive reliefs proceedings in this case.

SOURCE: One Love Foundation.

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