Doren Specialist Hospital turns Deadly Hospital- Nigerian/Canadian Activist.


President and Founder of One love foundation has bemoaned the current condition of health services rendered across the country. 

Chief Dr Patrick Osagie Eholor recounts the regretful experience he encountered in Doren Specialist hospital in Lagos, Nigeria. When he visited because he suffered a serious illness -high blood sugar.

According to him he had earlier canceled his HMO insurance which was not working as promised. He decided to opt for direct cash payments whenever he visited hospitals. Chief Patrick Eholor who is a Nigerian-Canadian activist citizen described the Nigerian health system as depreciating and the very opposite of what they experienced in Canada.

 “ During my Visit, I was asked to pay a Consultation fee of three thousand naira which I paid alongside some blood tests amounting to thirty six thousand naira. After the tests, the doctor said It could possibly result to death or coma, if immediate treatment doesn't commence. He required a deposit of two hundred and fifty thousand naira but I pleaded with them to start off treatment, with the hundred thousand naira I had but they bluntly refused.  

In the midst of this conversation, I imagined what it's like for a common man who does not have money and he is faced with such circumstance."

Education and Health should be primary and free to anybody but sadly, Nigeria doesn't respect peoples rights. The system gives award to  MINISTER OF HEALTH DR. OSAGIE EHANIRE even  when the sector have failed, they award Minister for work and housing, yet, our roads are bad. They award the Ministry of Transportation yet Aviation when the planes are not flying, they give award to the IGP despite the unlawful killings today. They award the President and government parastatals that have failed Us Abysmally.

“The system must change for us to award those that are doing well.

When the Doctors graduated, they swore an oath to save the life of both the rich and Poor without discrimination. But sadly it is not so anymore.

 "At Doren hospital, they turned me back for not having sufficient funds for treatment .This is so sad, If it was a common man that didn't have another means then he was sent back home to die. Nobody deserves to be treated that way." Chief Eholor said.

 However, I later found another hospital online St.Edwards Hospital which is not far from there. 

It is not about me or my family,  by the grace of God, my kids are Canadian citizens are covers with health insurance.

To have qualitative health is the the responsibility of Government to have infrastructure is a part of the structure of Government. They have promised to provide life and security. health is Life”.

Moreover, as at the time of this report, Dr. Patrick Confirmed that his sugar level has been balanced and he is regaining wellness. He further commended St. Edward Hospital for their great care.”

“ I Commend the Management of St. Edward Hospital for their kindness.I have 3 nurses and Doctors attending to me. I want to call out Doren Hospital and condemn vehemently their services they should be ashamed of themselves  especially the doctors. This is not how to operate in the medical arena” he said.

He further Urged the Minister of Health to look carefully into the health sector as it is gradually depreciating stating that a lot of people are dying because they cannot afford the cost of treatments.

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