Top 3 most influential SUG Presidents in Nigerian higher institutions


The absence of leadership is the one thing that is pervasive in Nigerian society.

When we discuss effective leadership, we often discuss the sacrifices made by the leader on behalf of the followers. Also, in discussing strong leadership, we are referring to a person who is able to organize and inspire others.

Today, we are discussing leadership on campus, using the top three important SUG presidents as examples in Nigeria from 2021 to 2022.

Since its founding in 2007, All Campus Show has been ranked as the top national campus media platform, and because of our connections to numerous SUGs nationwide, we have collaborated with them, so we are familiar with their responses to problems, and their interactions with the media. 

Objectively, the first on the list of the top three most influential SUG Presidents in 2021 and 2022 is Comrade Danladi Joshua Adankala, SUG President, University of Jos Plateau State.

Despite the conflict in the state, Comr. Danladi, remains an exceptional leader and a smart thinker.

He is one who sacrifices his comfort for his followers. He has assisted a lot of students in various ways. When the hostel price was hiked by a hundred percent, he facilitated the reduction and has also provided free transportation within the campus for students.

A major demonstration of good leadership is seen in his display of wisdom in combating water scarcity challenges in the school hostels. Against all odds, he went out of his way to facilitate the provision of a borehole to meet one of the basic needs of his students—water.

With facts undisputed, Comr. Danladi is richly blessed with an excellent spirit of communication. 

Indeed, he is a student leader who should be considered as a leader in the future. 

Another example of a leader worthy of emulation is Comrade Adedeji Adedamola Abdulazeez, SUG President of Ibadan Polytechnic 2021.

Amongst many exploits Comr. Adedeji and his excos embarked on a fruitful project before his regime ended two months ago. They included the renovation of SUG toilets for student use, the erecting of a mini SUG stand to serve as shade for our students, and ensuring that the security atmosphere was cool for the students; he also supported the security unit with a motorcycle to ensure adequate security across the campus. 

Committed to fostering unity amongst students, Comrade Adedamola, bridged the gap between southern and northern students. 

Amongst many other innovative demonstrations, the union led under his watch provided bursaries for less privileged students and also organized seminars, free Google digital training, which the students greatly benefited from, and entrepreneurship training for the development of undergraduates seeking to grow their businesses.

Comr. Adedamola is indeed a leader that is abreast with good communication skills, which is a necessary requirement for leadership, and he has proven to be reliable time and time again. In fact, he is known by All Campus Show for his swift response whenever he is called upon. 

The number three on the list is the first Digital SUG President of the University of Nigeria 2021, Comrade Ani.C. Stephen. 

A good communicator and dedicated to service, during his tenure, he supported students' academic interests and encouraged student entrepreneurship. 

This ideology led the union under his watch to partner with the Enugu State Government Small and Medium Enterprise Agency. This partnership further led to the provision of loans and grants for 300 students that were into small-scale businesses.

In improving the standard of living, he handled the issue of accommodation in the school's hostel. He also initiated the construction of a 13,500-capacity hostel and the rehabilitation of school hostels. 

Furthermore, during the COVID lockdown, the union organized entrepreneurial and digital skills sessions with over 7000 students in attendance, as well as the distribution of palliatives to stranded students during the lockdown.

Some of such training sessions encompass classes on make-up, crypto trading, logo creation, baking, mini importation, basic photography, white board animation and editing, etc

A notable innovation of his is the introduction of the "Help an indigent student initiative," which enabled the union to source funds in order to assist indigent students via the provision of scholarships. Indeed, Comr. Stephen served the needs of his students selflessly and delivered more than their expectations.

Charity they say begins at   home, and tomorrow's leaders will be the  youths we have seen and  monitored their exploits.  Given what has been said so far, it is safe to infer that this group of leaders has demonstrated remarkable ability at home (school) and will continue to flourish if given the chance to work on a bigger scale.

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