
The meeting started at exactly 07:44am with the nomination of Comr. Akande Michael as recording Secretary,  followed by Recitation of the national anthem led by Comr. Fanu Damilola with 10 Members present as at when the meeting started.

 Opening prayer was taken by Comr. Olaseinde Williams Adeyinka (Sir Newton).  While Amb. Edwin O. O.  adopted the motion to open the meeting, Comr. Prince seconded the motion for the day's business to proceed.

Thereafter, self Introduction of members  was done by everyone present while the Nationla introduced the National President for his short remarks as opening speech. He unequivocally thanked members, leaders and stakeholders for their availability and sacrifical participation despite the short notice and further hit the ground running for progressive deliberations. While the Nation Secretary General upon Arrival  also gave his opening speech by appreciating all the members for attending the meeting.

The National Spokesman gave hint on the purpose of today's meeting, talked about NISAYA National Pre-convention with a  proposed date for September in Enugu State being her maiden Convention and Enugu being the National secretariat and home State of Comr.  Foster (Incumbent National President) amongst other factors which the house affirm to. 

Moving forward, the National President proposed CEC Hall inside University of Nigeria, Nnsukka, Enugu State. He made emphasis on attendance and advised that we should make use of students' inclusion in mobilization in other to carry the student body along. He also pledge that both the hall, banners, and light refreshment will be sorted by him...

The host read out a propose budget for the Pre-convention as;

* Refreshments -- #50,000
* Banner -- #20,000
* Hall -- #50,000
* Accommodation -- #100,000
Logistics -- #100,000

= Total: #320,000

The National Director of Action and Mobilisation, Comrade Ebuka (Gentle) commended the host and all for participating, he called the attention of every attendee on the student's availability due to the ongoing industrial action by ASUU. But Sir Newton gave a convincing opinion why all important plans should be proceeded without delay from the level Pre-Convention to the National Convention proper and to primarily set up a Convention Planning Committee for its noble task. He countered the #100,000 initial budget for logistics and recommend a review of the entire expenditure by the committee. He also suggested that the National Executive council should make proper arrangements to brief and possibly visit all relevant authorities upon the arrival of leaders and Comrades in  Enugu State before,  during or after the Pre-convention.

Comr.  Nwosu oppose the proposed Hall that it's too small looking at the capacity of the hall and the Mobilisation of attendees. The National President said, since it's a Pre-convention, the maximum number of attendees is between 100 to 150 people, and the hall can accommodate 150 people conveniently while the propose    accommodations are closer to the hall than else where. 

Amb. Edwin O. O.  suggested that we should go on with a six man committee. He also questioned the proposed deficit budget and emphasis more on logistics, Media/Publicity and urgent need to carry relevant security personnel alongside every planning. 

Chief Osemudiamen Ogbidi then call for the Nomination of a 7 Man CPC amongst whom were nominated and ratified by the House.  They are;

1. Amb. Edwin Ogbidi as Chairman Pre-Convention Planning Committee. 

2. Cenator Nwosu as Vice Chairman 

3. Comr. Lady Emelda Mbamalu as Secretary

4. Comr. Ikehi Lawrence  as Spokesman 

5. Comr. Akande O. Michael as Member

6. Comr. Francis Joseph as Member

7. Comr. Prince as Member 


While the National President proposed September 29th as Arrival date, 30th as Pre-convention and 1st as departure, the Southwest Coordinator on the other hand proposed September 15th as arrival, 16th Preconvention and 17th as Departure. However the task for a feasible date was Conferred on the ratified committee amongst other responsibilities like Logistics, Programme of event etc... 


Respected members of the committee were given five (5) working days to reach a concrete and perfected action plans and submit her first report to the house on her proposed virtual meeting slated for next week Saturday.

Sir Newton then moved a motion to adjourn sitting to Saturday 27th August 2022, while Comrade Slyvanus seconded the motion of adjournment and a closing Prayer!!! 

The meeting brought to an end by the National Spokesman of Nigerian Students and Youth Association (NISAYA) by send a strong message to those who failed to attend without proper communication that NISAYA is no longer business as usual as disciplinary actions will be melted on those who bypass our code of Conduct and while thanking everyone for the time and resources for well meaning deliberation he appeal to everyone to make themselves available on Saturday 27th of August, 2022 at 7:30am.
The meeting ended at exactly 9:12 am.

God bless Nigerian Students
God bless the over 70million Nigerian Youth
God bless NISAYA
God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria 🇳🇬

Comr.  Micheal O. Akande
Drafting Secretary

Comr.  Osemudiamen Ogbidi
National Spokesman

Comr. Foster Ekena
National President

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