When Donald Trump described Nigeria as a shit-hole, we lamented, isn’t it?-Ultimate Equal

Chief Justice Tanko Mohammed has officially resigned following allegations of corruption and a feud with other supreme court judges.

The Chief Judge, who tendered his resignation letter to President Muhammadu Buhari, has cited health-related matters and unresolved issues as grounds.

These opposing panel (14 justices of the apex court) complaints border on welfare issues, lack of internet connections amidst a hike in diesel, lack of maintenance of accommodation, and depreciated personal vehicles, amongst others.

On Monday, following the swearing-in of the acting Chief Judge, President Buhari appraised the outgoing CJN, conferring on him the second-highest national honor, Grand Commander of the Order of Niger (GCON), amidst withholding entitlement benefits belonging to his judicial fellows.

However, contrary to the aforementioned, among the reasons stated by the Chief Judge Muhammad for not meeting their demands were the increasing economic hardship and the gradual fallout of adequate financial aid to service their needs.

In a statement, Chief Patrick Eholor publicly supported the mistreated judges and denounced the undue honor given to the head of the Judiciary arm. He also decries the decapitating state of the country and demands their needs are met.

"The abysmal failure of President Buhari repeated itself again yesterday by giving him the highest honor in Nigeria." Someone who was about to be queried and disgraced came back to state that ill-health was a reason for his resignation. This is the only country that rewards failure.’’

"Their cry is fair because the price of diesel has gone up.  Judges who need to carry out research are begging for diesel. I hope the EFCC, who are sleeping dogs who run after yahoo boys instead of running after these culprits, are able to bring the searchlight to investigate these allegations. However, with the swearing-in of the new Chief Justice of Nigeria, we pray the trend doesn’t continue.’’

Amongst other issues in the country, the Benue State government Samuel Ortom has called the on federal government to grant its citizens legal rights to bear arms to defend themselves.

Commenting on this Chief Eholor, had this to say,

‘’I advocate for people to owe arms within the legal age right (18 years). These guns will be registered with the government for accountability. But the government has failed us, especially this present administration.’’ 

‘’I think too much power lies in the centre that is why power needs to be decentralized to the state government.  Other countries enjoy this right so we should employ the same’’ 

‘’I will be an infidel to allow Boko haram, bandits, or kidnappers to harass my wife or daughter without defending them. I have dual citizenship in Nigeria and in Canada. I owe a gun in Canada because it is permitted. 

Paradoxically, Nigeria’s Chief of Defence Staff, Major General Lucky Irabor has tackled the statement made by the Benue state governor saying that citizens should desist from such false statements.

Addressing this, Chief Patrick said that Luck Irabor is not qualified, because we are not living in authoritarian regime but democracy, if anyone is to talk about this, he should do it through the Inspector General of Police.

Can he say that Nigerians are safe in the hands of Boko Haram as well as other criminals, if the answer is no then the federal government should not deny us to protect ourselves from attacks by any means.

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