The University of Benin is one of the resound Universities in Africa, located in Benin City, Edo State Nigeria. It is a tertiary institution that has won so many top-ranking prizes among the other Universities by the Nigerian University Commission (NUC) as well as other higher institution.

      In 2019, there was a change of power in the system of the University of Benin which came in as a flashlight into the darkness. The University of Benin as a whole experienced a change in Power as Professor Lilian I. Salami emerged the office as the second female Vice Chancellor of the University. The administration came in with its vision to make life easier for the students, as well as to promote the academic scent, the economic IGR and the reputation of the school as a whole


To achieve the said vision, Professor Lillian Salami started the great work by refining the administration from its former state into it's full glory. With the assistance of the principal officers down to the least staff of the University, it's safe to say that the University has finally reached it's full capacity.

The University of Benin is said to operate in two campuses, that is the main campus located at Ugbowo, and the mini campus, located at Ekehuan. Our focus will be on the mini campus, University of Benin, Ekehuan Campus. The Ekehuan Campus of the University is the founding campus of the Institution. It came to be before a permanent site was given by the Federal Government in Ugbowo, Benin City, thus the extension of the Main Campus.

     Ekehuan campus is a small piece of land that can only accommodate few departments, particularly departments of Arts and they are, The department of Mass Communication, The department of Fine and applied Arts, The department of Theatre Arts and Early Childhood Education.  Also we have the two halls of residence for the undergraduates and other staff offices. All these are located on the great campus.

Before Prof. Lillian Salami emerged the office of the vice chancellor in 2019, reports made us understand that students of this campus had been suffering a lot of things like epileptic power and water supply, overgrown bushes, security issues and other challenges. Weeks after Prof. Salami emerged her office, she took a sacrificial journey to Ekehuan campus. On getting there, she sighted lots of errors, took notes on them and started work on both campuses almost immediately after her visit. And we must commend on this good work as the changes to Ekehuan campus is quite outstanding. Now, there is constant water and power supply, proper security and a more condusive environment for the students to stay in. All these would not have been possible without the assistance of the Vice Chancellor, Ekehuan Campus, Prof. John Oghene, and so the students say "Thank you".

     Prior to these aforementioned achievements, a courtesy visit was undertaken by the following students on behalf of the students at large  to showcase their gratitude for a job well done. The visit was led by student leader of the University of Benin, Ekehuan Campus,  Comrade Busuyi Ojo, popularly known as Jobus, (the President and the publisher of All Campus Show, Nigeria) alongside (the Assistant Secretary General, Student Union Government) Comrade Omoreige  Sylvester, (the Department of Fine and applied Art president) Hon. Idemudia Nosa, and his Director of Sports Oke Michael, Alagoa Favour, (the Mass Communication Department President) Adakpo Mark and lastly, the Mayoress of Margaret Ekpo hostel, Aigue Susan.

     Finally, the Deputy Vice Chancellor, Ekehuan Campus, Prof. John Oghene, was glad to receive this visit. He stated that "if you appreciate what has been done, it means you are due for another one. With this act, the University is glad to have you as reasonable students who do not only ask, but appreciate what has been done". He also said that the present administration will not cease in good doings towards the students of the great Institution. He made it clear that the comfort of the students will always be a priority. He made a promise to always provide more comfort, thereby putting smiles on the faces of the students.

His closing remarks where, “I would be glad if this courtesy visit can be extended to the madam Vice Chancellor for personal experience It is a good one.”

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