There was the presentation of One Million, One Hundred Thousand Naira (1,100,000) to the eleven students of the University of Benin who were fortunate to be part of the winners of the ALIF scholarship Nationwide.

The presentation of One Hundred Thousand Naira cheque each to the eleven students was presented  by the Vice Chancellor of the University of Benin,  Professor Lillian I. Salami, accompanied by the Deputy Vice Chancellor, Ekenwan Campus, Professor John Oghene. Irabor Difference,  The Executive Director of Ikpea Foundation, started by giving a brief history of the foundation.  Ikpea Foundation which is an annual program, was founded in the year 2012, and since it's inception, University of Benin has been a full  partaker of the scholarship program. This year, we had 53 participants, eleven of them emerging from the University of Benin. In 2014, sixty-two students were selected, University of Benin having thirty-two slots. Majority of the students were seen to be Medical Students. 

The criteria for partaking in the program is to be an indigent student of the University, having a total of  3.00 GPA , having been in the school for at least a year.

Moving on, the cheques were presented to the students by the Vice Chancellor’s representative, Professor John Oghene. The Vice Chancellor, Professor Lilian Salami who wasn't able to attend, due to her involvement in lots of official activities, sent out her words showing her profound happiness and appreciation towards the organizers of the program and how proud she is of their work. She encouraged  the students to do more of studying in order to get better rewards than this now in school,  and even in the future. In her speech, she appreciated the Dean of students thanking him for his efforts towards accommodating and growing the students of the great University. With this said, the VC advised the students to emulate his gift, as such selflessness is rare to come across. The VC also passed a message to the ALIF foundation, telling them not to relent in doing this good work to building the future.

In conclusion, the cheques were presented by the VC representative to the following students named below:

Simon Scholastica of 300L (Department of Educational Foundation)

Obinyan Destiny 300L (Microbiology), 

Azubuike Delight 400L(Department of Educational Management)

Okotie Anthonio 300L (Agriculture Economist and Extension)

Melekwe Ewere 400L (Optometry)

Sule Mohammed Aliu 400L (Electrical Electronics Engineering) 

Etude Moses 600L (Optometry)

Akhetuamen Prosper 200L(Medcine)

Oredia Destiny 400L (Anatomy) 

Moni Henry 600L (Optometry)

Osemudiamen Ese who was not present.

Note: ALIF scholarship is a foundation that gives students opportunity to be financially catered for. It also stands as guidance and mentoring body to the students and supplementary tutoring with academic remediation where necessary. 

ALIF was founded by Chief Dr Leemon A. Ikpea, JP. the Adolor of Ewatto kingdom; Chairman/CEO Lee Group Holdings Limited on November 17, 2012, to benefit the less privileged individuals in our society with particular interest in the orphan and widows.

To participate, visit alikpeafoundation.org

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