Consequences On National Cake

 The Nigeria wheel, the economy and other areas.

Growing up as a young girl and a virgin, my parent used to give me sex education and warning me about boys and other things that can defile my virginity. Not that I am going to be a virgin forever but giving it out in due time and the right person that will appreciate it which will bring glory to me as a decent girl, so no eat and run.

However, Nigerian was a virgin land filled with the natural resources such as Gold, beetle men, crude oil, good soil for agriculture as well as other good things packaged for her people. We can also describe Nigeria as a farmland with different plants which is symbolize above, Gold, crude oil and others represent the plants, while Nigeria is seen as the land and all the people in it are supposed to be human but unfortunately, some are heartless rodents, pests, cankerworm and can be described as other ant- growth creatures, only few are human, the human transform to pest and rodent when they grow. Nigeria as a virgin land has been sexually harassed, molested, rape by her people especially the so call statemen and the political actors, it is now a must for growing ones to grow into the same mentality of transforming themselves to cankerworm to devour the farmland.

Nigeria fondly call giant of Africa; the politicians have put themselves in strong positions of power and wealth with their connections with the oil and gas industries. The Nigerian government has failed woefully in all aspect of life which can boost the economy ranging from the security, health, education and employment.

 The national cake has been sucked by the corrupt act and minded people who have made selfishness and wickedness their order of the day and it runs through Nigerian government from fraud down to bribery, money laundering, embezzlement, ghost workers and silent killings.

Unemployment has been seen as a normal life and an anthem for the graduates with the pledge that says ‘Na who know man’ means that only the connected ones get government jobs. The naira keep depreciating, economy is dying everyday and hope keep fading, youths considered the leaders of tomorrow are not given quality education while others are being killed daily by the suppose people to secure.

Nigeria is over 60 years old without working, confusing if it has not started working or is a cripple, there is an error if a 60 years old refuses to work, tribalism and religion are two majors that teach morals but they are instruments of hatred, calamity and war.

In a close interview with a graduating student of University of Benin, Miss Martha Nweke was a fine and applied arts student who major on sculpture in school and as well as able to work in other field of arts. Martha hails from Ebonyi state, she is the third child of family of seven and all are doing great. Martha is a socialist focusing on environment development and intend to create awareness through her works and foster change for a better Nigeria.

According to her, this images seen here is her project which took her almost two years to finish, though Covid-19 break is part of what made the work stand still till 2021, as a socialist, she asks herself what could her project title be and how can she make it known to the world what she thinks about Nigeria and a preferred solution to the challenges. 

She talks about her work, the corn images we are seeing which represents the Nigerian economy surviving by one source which is crude oil, she explains how the corruption has eaten deep into the system, the ants represents the corrupt leaders who are endlessly feeding and sucking on the resources of the country and focus on only that one source (crude oil) whereby ignoring other source of wealth as they refuse to invest into others such as Agriculture, Education, Health, industrialization etc.

This therefore is a wake up call and a parable to citizens, youths especially to wise up, brace up and not be shaken by the situation and work on themselves for personal development and equip themselves to get involved in productivity and above all, love the nation and develop the zeal to build it because no matter the country, home will always be home.

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