BREAKINGS: Videos: UNIBEN Protest: Press Release: ONE LOVE FOUNDATION Stands in Solidarity with UNIBEN Students, Calls for Respect of Protesters' Rights.


The ONE LOVE FOUNDATION is issuing this press release to express our unwavering support for the students of the University of Benin (UNIBEN) in their peaceful protest against unfair treatment, lack of electricity, and a hike in transportation costs. We believe that the students' concerns are valid and should be addressed with urgency by the relevant authorities.

We commend the students for conducting themselves peacefully during the protests and urge them to remain calm and focused on their demands. We also call on the Nigerian Army and Police Force to ensure the safety and protection of the protesters, respecting their fundamental rights as enshrined in the Nigerian Constitution.

Section 40 of the Nigerian Constitution guarantees the right to peaceful assembly and association. We expect the security forces to uphold this provision and create an enabling environment for the students to exercise their democratic rights without fear of intimidation or violence.

We also condemn any attempt to undermine the legitimacy of the students' protest. In particular, we are disappointed by the lack of proactive engagement from the Minister and Commissioner of Education on this matter. Their silence and inaction send a wrong message about their commitment to addressing the challenges faced by students.

We urge the government to listen to the students' concerns, engage them constructively, and work towards finding lasting solutions to the issues raised. The future of Nigeria lies in the hands of its youth, and their voices must be heard and respected.

As an organization committed to the welfare and development of the Nigerian people, the ONE LOVE FOUNDATION will continue to stand in solidarity with the students of UNIBEN and support their peaceful struggle for justice and fairness.

ONE LOVE FOUNDATION, under the leadership of our esteemed President, Chief Dr. Patrick Osagie Eholor, stands in solidarity with the students of UNIBEN in their peaceful struggle for justice and fairness. We remain committed to supporting them in their fight against unfair treatment, lack of electricity, and hike in transportation costs.

We urge the relevant authorities to engage with the students and address their concerns expeditiously. We also call on the security forces to ensure the safety and protection of the protesters, respecting their constitutional rights.

Mr. Aisosa, the Secretary of the ONE LOVE FOUNDATION affirm our organization's support for the students' cause. This press release has been approved by our President, Chief Dr. Patrick Osagie Eholor, as a testament to our dedication to the welfare and development of the Nigerian people.

Together, we shall continue to promote justice, equality, and fairness for all Nigerians.

Approved by:

Chief Dr. Patrick Osagie Eholor (FoNS)


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