Justifying violence is inhumane, using Bible is evil, Dr. Eholor blasts O.M


Rev. Olu Martins, you have taken a biblical quote out of context and used it to justify violence and aggression. This is unacceptable and must be addressed!

In a recent statement, you compared Lagos and Benin, making light of the importance of Benin as the center of African civilization. Your ignorance and lack of respect for the history and culture of Benin is appalling.

Furthermore, your attempt to justify the vandalization of campaign banners in Benin City by the thugs of Godwin Obaseki is reprehensible.

But the most egregious aspect of your statement was your defense of MC Olumo's crim!nal activities. Do you not see the harm that these acts cause to our society? Or are you so blinded by your own political agenda that you cannot distinguish between right and wrong?

As Chief Dr. Patrick Osagie Eholor, I will not stand idly by while you spread misinformation and glorify criminal behavior.

I call on all good people of Edo State and Nigeria to speak out against this kind of reckless rhetoric. We must defend our values and our heritage against those who would seek to undermine them.

Pastor Olu Martins, you have proven yourself to be nothing more than a puppet for Godwin Obaseki and his ilk. Your words are empty and your actions are hypocritical.

You quote the Bible and yet condone violence and intimidation. You claim to be a man of God, but your deeds reveal you to be a wolf in sheep's clothing.

As for MC Olumo, his criminal record speaks for itself. From fraud to assault, he is a danger to our society. And yet, you seek to make him as reference?

I ask you, Pastor Olu Martins: what kind of man are you?

Let me set the record straight, Rev. Pastor Olu Martins. The quote you so freely use to justify your actions is taken from the book of Matthew 11:12. The full verse states: "From the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force."

The quote is not a call to arms or a mandate for aggression, as you seem to believe. Rather, it is a lamentation of the corruption and oppression faced by John the Baptist and his followers at the hands of the ruling authorities.

To use this verse as justification for acts of vandalism or violence is not only irresponsible, but it is a gross misinterpretation of scripture. As a supposed man of God, you should know better.

Furthermore, I must question your motives. Are you truly interested in advancing the cause of righteousness, or are you merely seeking to score political points at the expense of our values and our history?

It is time for you, Pastor Olu Martins, to take responsibility for your words and your actions. Stop the violence and stop the lies.

It seems, Rev. Pastor Olu Martins, that you are not only ignorant of scripture but also of the workings of local government in Lagos and Benin City. Allow me to enlighten you.

In Lagos State, billboards are largely managed by private companies. These companies control the placement and content of the billboards, and any political banners or advertisements are typically displayed with their permission. This is why you may see political banners of different parties in Lagos, regardless of the ruling party.

In contrast, the majority of billboards in Benin City are owned and managed by the local government.

Rev. Pastor Olu Martins, I urge you to reflect on your words and actions. Misquoting scripture, condoning violence, and spreading misinformation are not the ways of a man of God.

Your misguided attempt to defend the crim!nal acts of MC Olumo and others is a stain on our society.

And finally, your ignorance of the differences between Lagos and Benin City is a reminder of the need for humility and understanding.

As a leader, it is your responsibility to promote peace, unity, and truth.

Finally, Rev. Pastor Olu Martins, I challenge you to heed the words of your own faith: "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law."

Love, peace, and temperance - these are the values we must hold dear, not aggression and hate. May you find the strength to choose the path of righteousness and lead your followers with wisdom and compassion.

I'm Chief Dr Patrick Osagie Eholor otherwise known as Ultimate Equal President One Love Foundation

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