Editorial: The day I cry for Africa; school is the problem of Education.

By: Busuyi Ojo-Jobus 

I have seen and also a victim of this scenario where a young boy finding it difficult to explain himself in his dialect, then his mother shouted "speak in English" even in schools where we thought our teachers are sane, they founded or joined the system that says 'our mother tongue is vernacular'

This is so unhealthy and one of the major problems affecting the black skinned people, white enslaved us, instead of coming as one to break off, we keep tying ourselves on the wrist then total freedom seems impossible.

I have been attacked several times that I am not fluent in speaking foreign language but I am fluent in making senses when making points, I have been  in the presence of many of presidents, governors, I am honored by movie and music stars, they are friends and colleagues because I am good at what I do which people still pay me for but I have seen many that can speak Queens English with ulcer because of lack of food, English can't even put good foods in their belly.

You will never see a Chinese, Indian, German... promoting English.

I agreed English is our official language but it is meant for understanding ourselves not for show.

In a recent debate with a lady, defending English as priority, she asked if I want to give two people contract and one deliver his speech well but the other not fluent, which one will I give the contract to and or if I have 2 graduates one speaks well and other can't, what will I do and I answered 'I will check what they have in their brains and give the job to the best brain' speaking good English does not matter but good delivery of services and character matters.

Let's together kick out foreign lingo aside but keep making our own language strong and Internationally recognized. English or any other foreign is initially a vernacular.

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