Video: OLF President condemns the Assault on Nigerian Army Personnels, calls for Restraint.


The President of One Love Foundation and the Father of Nigerian students, Chief Dr. Patrick Osagie Eholor otherwise known as Ultimate Equal has condemned the assault on Nigerian Army staff at Banex in Abuja recently.

A recent video circulating on social media depicting a group of civilians assaulting two Nigerian Army personnel at Banix Plaza in Abuja is deeply concerning and must be addressed by the authorities to promote peace and unity between the civilians and the military.

Although, the circumstances surrounding the incident remain unclear, nevertheless there should not be a justification for this violent attack on individuals serving our country.

Dr. Eholor in his speech this morning quoted the act guiding Nigerian Army, in his statements, he said that "The Nigerian Army Act (NAA) stipulates that assaulting a soldier is a criminal offense punishable under the law. Section 52 of the NAA explicitly states that any person who "strikes, ill-treats, or uses force to intimidate a soldier" is guilty of an offense and liable to imprisonment.

"In light of this incident, it is essential that we remind ourselves of the respect and dignity owed to the men and women who put their lives on the line to protect our country. Attacking members of the armed forces not only undermines their authority but also jeopardizes the security and stability of our nation.

"At the same time, it is crucial that military personnel exercise restraint in their interactions with civilians. 

"The Nigerian Army's Code of Conduct emphasizes the importance of maintaining professionalism, discipline, and respect for the rule of law at all times. Any deviation from these standards should be promptly addressed by military authorities.

As we reflect on this unfortunate incident, it is also important to highlight the government's role in promoting peace and understanding between civilians and military personnel. 

"The recent allocation of N90 billion for Hajj subsidies has raised questions about the government's priorities. The funds could have been utilized to improve the welfare of our military personnel, including better pay, equipment, and training, the assault on the Nigerian Army personnel at Banix Plaza is a clear violation of the law and should be condemned in the strongest terms. 

"The perpetrators must be held accountable for their actions, and the Nigerian Army should take necessary measures to ensure the safety of their personnel. 

Additionally, the government must take a more proactive role in promoting peace, understanding, and cooperation between civilians and military personnel. 

Only through mutual respect and understanding can we create a safe and secure environment for all Nigerians."

Dr. Eholor concluded

The video

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