Invest in education not religion, OLF Boss punches FG.


President Bola Tinubu's recent approval of ₦90 billion for the 2024 hajj subsidy has sparked controversy and concerns among Nigerians, particularly in light of the nation's pressing educational challenges. This hefty allocation raises questions about the government's priorities and its commitment to addressing critical issues in the education sector.

Nigeria's education system has faced numerous setbacks, with low-quality education, inadequate infrastructure, and a shortage of qualified teachers.

 Despite these issues, the government has chosen to allocate substantial funds to religious activities instead of investing in the education sector. 

According to UNESCO, Nigeria has the highest number of out-of-school children globally, with an estimated 10.5 million children not attending school. This highlights the urgent need for increased funding and resources to improve the country's educational standards.

While religion is a personal matter, the government's role is to ensure equal treatment for all religious groups and focus on the welfare of all citizens. By favoring one religion over others and funneling resources into religious activities, the government risks widening the divide among Nigerians and exacerbating religious tensions.

 This decision also overlooks the needs of other religious groups, such as Christians and traditional African religions, which also have important spiritual practices and sites.

Rather than investing in religious subsidies, the government should prioritize addressing the challenges in the education sector and allocate funds to improve the quality of education, hire more qualified teachers, and provide essential resources for schools. A well-educated populace is crucial for the development of any nation, and it is time for the Nigerian government to recognize this and take action.

In conclusion, President Tinubu's decision to approve ₦90 billion for the 2024 hajj subsidy has rightly drawn criticism, particularly in light of the urgent need for increased funding in the education sector. 

The government must prioritize the welfare of all Nigerians and address pressing issues in education, healthcare, and infrastructure rather than favoring one religion over others.

 Only by working together and focusing on the common good can Nigeria build a united, prosperous, and inclusive society.

I am Chief Dr. Patrick Osagie Eholor (FoNS) otherwise known as Ultimate Equal, the global president of One Love Foundation (OLF) as well as voice of the voiceless.

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