A Call to Action: Building a Better Future for Edo -Dr. Eholor

As Chief Dr. Patrick Osagie Eholor(FoNS) known affectionately as the Ultimate Equal, and serving as the Global President of One Love Foundation, Father of Nigerian students, Senior Advocate of the Masses and Voice of the voiceless.

I am deeply concerned about the state of affairs in our beloved Edo State. As a Senior Advocate of the Masses, it is my duty to speak out against injustice and advocate for the well-being of our people.

Recent events, particularly the actions of Senator Matthew Urhoghide, have once again highlighted the need for principled leadership and genuine commitment to the welfare of our citizens. Senator Urhoghide's betrayal of his principles, as evidenced by his sudden change of allegiance, is a stark reminder of the pitfalls of political opportunism.

According to the sixteenth President of United States of America, Abraham Lincoln who defined Democracy as "the government of the people, by the people and for the people" and for this to work according to the ideology that was given, use of party system was introduce which could be one, two or multi-party system for different party Manifestoes and achievements, same ideology makes different offices like Presidency, Senatorial representatives, Constituency at the Federal and State representatives as well as others and this is not about decamping from one party to another, the purpose of saying this is to a charge to make a law to curb Cross-Carpeting.

According to www.wikipedia.org "The Senate is the upper chamber of Nigeria's bicameral legislature, the National Assembly. The National Assembly (popularly referred to as NASS) is the nation's legislature and has the power to make laws, as summarized in chapter one, section four of the 1999 Constitution of Nigeria."

"The constitution provides several unique functions for the Senate that form its ability to "check and balance" other elements of the Federal Government of Nigeria. These include the requirement that the Senate may advise and must consent to some of the President's government appointments; also the Senate must consent to all treaties with foreign governments and it tries all impeachments."

It is truly disheartening to witness politicians like Senator Urhoghide abandon their integrity, values, responsibilities as senators and ethics of democracy for personal gain. After vehemently condemning the actions of APC members, including Adams Oshiomole, only to later align himself with them, Senator Urhoghide has proven himself to be nothing more than a political opportunist, willing to sacrifice his dignity for fleeting power.

The phrase "licking his vomit" may seem harsh, but it accurately reflects the nature of Senator Urhoghide's actions. By betraying the trust of his constituents and disregarding the principles he once espoused, Senator Urhoghide has regressed to a state of moral bankruptcy. His adopted son, Neda Imasuen, of the Labour Party, may unfortunately follow in his footsteps if we do not take decisive action.

Every politician may have titles to their names, but it is actions, not titles, that truly define leadership. In the face of pressing challenges such as unemployment and scarcity of medication, it is imperative that politicians like Senator Urhoghide and his brother, Ehigie Uzamere, take tangible steps to address these issues.

Rather than simply adding titles to their names and hopping from one political party to another, Senator Urhoghide and Mr. Uzamere should heed the call to action. I propose that Senator Urhoghide utilize his resources and influence to establish a pharmaceutical company, while Mr. Uzamere could leverage his expertise to open an engineering company.

By investing in these ventures, Senator Urhoghide and Mr. Uzamere would not only create employment opportunities for our youth but also contribute to the alleviation of the scarcity of medication in our state. These initiatives would not only address immediate concerns but also lay the foundation for sustainable development and economic prosperity in Edo State.

As leaders, we have a moral obligation to prioritize the well-being of our people above personal interests. It is time for politicians like Senator Urhoghide and Mr. Uzamere to rise above petty politics and embrace their responsibility to the people of Edo. Let us work together to build a brighter future for our state—a future characterized by integrity, prosperity, and unity.

In conclusion, let us heed the call to action and strive to emulate the principles of leadership exemplified by Chief Dr. Patrick Osagie Eholor. As the Ultimate Equal, I remain committed to advocating for the rights of the masses and working towards a more just and equitable society. Together, we can overcome the challenges that confront us and build a future that we can all be proud of.

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