Chief Dr. Patrick Eholor Sympathizes with Nigerian Army, Calls for Justice for Fallen Soldiers.


In the wake of recent tragic events in Delta community where Nigerian soldiers lost their lives, Chief Dr. Patrick Eholor, also known as Ultimate Equal, founder of One Love Foundation and a senior advocate of the masses, extends his heartfelt sympathies and condolences to the Nigerian Army and the families of the fallen soldiers. These brave men made the ultimate sacrifice in defense of their country, embodying the spirit of heroism and selflessness.

Chief Dr. Patrick Eholor recognizes the profound significance of the Nigerian Army's role in safeguarding the nation's territorial boundaries. He emphasizes that honoring and supporting those who defend the nation is paramount to the preservation of the state. The soldiers who lost their lives in the line of duty are indeed gallant heroes whose dedication and bravery should be remembered and celebrated.

Moreover, Chief Dr. Eholor underscores the importance of heeding early warnings and addressing security concerns promptly. Just a week prior to the tragic incident, he had reported the slaughter of 19 policemen, highlighting the urgent need for intervention in the area. Had the government acted upon his report and taken decisive measures, it could have potentially prevented further bloodshed and averted the loss of more lives.

The failure to heed such warnings and address security threats effectively has dire consequences, as evidenced by the escalation of violence and lawlessness in the region. Chief Dr. Patrick Eholor emphasizes that the recent events signify not only an external threat but also an internal invasion, wherein outlaws are exerting control over the state. This internal aggression poses a grave danger to the stability and security of the nation, necessitating swift and decisive action from the authorities.

In light of these developments, Chief Dr. Eholor calls for accountability and justice for those responsible for perpetrating violence and undermining the peace and security of the state. He asserts that those found guilty must face the full force of the law and be held accountable for their actions. By ensuring that perpetrators are brought to justice, the government can send a clear message that such acts of violence and aggression will not be tolerated.

Furthermore, Chief Dr. Patrick Eholor urges a thorough investigation into the motives behind the attacks on security personnel. Understanding the underlying factors driving such violence is essential in devising effective strategies to combat insurgency and restore law and order in the affected regions. By uncovering the root causes of the conflict, authorities can address systemic issues and implement measures to prevent future incidents.

According to Punch News, reacting to the development in a statement on Sunday, Deji Adeyanju, a human activist also described the ambush and killing of the soldiers as a “dastardly act.”

Adeyanju said, “I call on the authorities to leave no stone unturned in ensuring those responsible for this dastardly act are brought to justice.

"The news of the tragic incident that claimed the lives of the Commanding Officer, two majors, one captain, and 12 soldiers from the 181 Amphibious Battalion has left me in shock, disbelief and mourning.

“These brave men and women who protect us daily were on a noble peace mission, selflessly dedicating themselves to the service of our country and striving to bring stability and harmony to our country and the Okuoma community in Bomadi Local Government Area of Delta State."

In conclusion, Chief Dr. Patrick Eholor stands in solidarity with the Nigerian Army and the families of the fallen soldiers, expressing his deepest sympathies for their loss. He calls upon the government to take decisive action to address security challenges and uphold the rule of law. Only through collective effort and unwavering commitment to justice can the nation overcome the threats posed by internal aggression and safeguard its territorial integrity.

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