Letter to Labour Party Work Committee-Dr. Mashido Eghaghe


I bring to your attention two urgent concerns that threaten our party's chances of winning the upcoming gubernatorial election in Edo State, particularly in Edo South.

The recent appointment of Hon. Isoken Tongo as the LP state deputy chairman has raised concerns regarding the process. Despite being delighted about the appointment, the lack of notification and consultation with key leaders, including Senator Neda Imasuen, Hon. Eseosa Iyawe, Hon. Murphy Omoruyi, Hon. Richard Edosa, Elder Aguebor, Cheif Patrick Osagie Eholor national leader  and others. This lack of inclusivity undermines party growth. These leaders only discovered the appointment through social media, which underscores the need for more inclusivity and transparency in decision-making. A robust political party fosters growth by recognizing and valuing the contributions of all stakeholders, engaging them in the decision-making process, and ensuring that critical decisions are made collaboratively.

Another issue harming the party in Edo South is the state working committee and LGA chairmen's failure to recognize Labour Party chairmanship, vice chairmanship, and councilorship candidates' contributions in the sham 02/09/23 local government elections. Despite campaigning with their resources and expanding the party's reach, these candidates are ignored and not acknowledged as leaders in their respective LGAs and some wards. Also, These candidates are being sidelined and ignored in party meetings, despite their grassroots connections and influence with electorates. This disrespect towards grassroots individuals with strong electorate relationships will harm the party's chances if not addressed.

If these two issues are not addressed, our party risks losing significant support in Edo South. I humbly request your prompt intervention to address these concerns and ensure inclusivity and recognition for all party members.

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