Breakings: House of Reps replies Eholor's Letter, invites him over his petitions against China government.


The Nigeria House of Representatives known as Green Chamber has invited Chief Dr. Patrick Osagie Eholor otherwise known as Ultimate Equal, the Father of Nigerian Students-FONS and the Global President of One Love Foundation over the way he was maltreated by the China government while in China for business.

Eholor who spoke to All Campus Show when he touched down in Nigeria after his trip to China, he lamented on how China treated him as he yelled "Chinese should respect Nigerians, we are great people!"

Dr. Eholor shared experience he got from his recent business trip to China, he said it was very interesting to be back home.

   "You know, imagine if you were in china and you were denied not to receive your money from western union.

"I am not sharing this out of hatred and I am not saying this for you to hate the Chinese people, what I am saying is that treat us, the people from other countries with respect, We are a country with over two hundred million citizens, It will be a bad omen for everybody to classify Nigerians as bad or fraudulent citizens.

"I was in china and I ran out of cash and I needed money for my family and relatives, my junior brother called surprise from Canada sent me Eight thousand dollars and my other brother called Tom sent me five thousand.

  "When they saw my passport, the Chinese bank management told me that Nigerians have been classified as a country of money laundry, I was stranded for a bit.

"I am going write to the Nigeria Air commission to lay my complain. Do you know Chinese people come here to mine our gold illegally, they came here to establish gambling centres, restaurants, yet I see my Nigerian police escorting them.

 "In as much as I enjoy the breeze, and I enjoyed the sight and have some business relationship with the Chinese people but I want them to really respect our rights.

"It is going to be a bad omen to think every Nigeria are bad, we are good people in Nigeria, Nigerians are good people, we have suffered some bad leadership, every government have their bad citizens if that is the case.

"Henceforth, I want the Chinese people to  treat us with respect and I am going back to China and I do not mind if was detained there, and if they detain me it is going be their worst mistake, because I am going to speak truth to power to treat people with respect.

 "We have a lot of Chinese here and they are married to black people, We are not running to take refuge anywhere, our problem is bad leadership, as we have recognized our problem and it is the problem of leadership, our name has entered the  book of record  as the country who has all the resources including, human resources but we have not been able to manage it, that is why the rest of us are traveling abroad. Therefore, the Chinese should learn how to respect us as a citizen."

Therefore, Eholor took it up in writing to the House of Representatives (Green Chamber) Oct 3rd 2023 that the House should 'Urgently investigate why Nigerians are labeled as money launderers by Chinese authority '

In a letter carried the Letter Head of the House of Representatives, Eholor got the response of the House of Representatives.

Chief Dr. Patrick Osagie Eholor is hereby invited to appear in person before the committee on public petitions on Tuesday 7th of November, 2023.

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