Cultism: The causes by the school managements, Eholor suggests solutions to killings.

Cultism is a major menace in Nigeria that no University, Polytechnics, College of Education, or other higher institution in Nigeria has been able to eradicate.

It is a major vice that is very common in tertiary institutions in Nigeria today.

Cultism itself, according to history, started for a good cause, but over time, things have changed due to lack of communication, proper care and human relations by the management of the tertiary institutions.

According to "Cultism in Nigeria dates back to the pre-colonial era when a group of individuals gathered together to seek protection from their ancestors and conducted rituals. 

"Initiation to the cult was a normal routine for those who wanted to belong to the secret cult. Once you join the cult, the secrets of the group must be religiously and sacredly observed.

"Such groups include the Ogboni society prevalent amongst the Yorubas. The Ekpe secret cult existed amongst the Efiks and some parts of the South East. The Ekine and Owegbe Cult were popular in Delta and Edo State.

"These cult groups provide social, financial, economic and political security for their members."

Back in days around 1922, All Campus Show gathered that the West African Students' Union (WASU) was organized by various students from West African Countries which were schooling in London, United Kingdom. This group protested equal rights with the white race Students which the management looked into it and balanced the equation for them.

In Nigeria after the independent, when black men started ruling the black men, there was an unmanageable circumstances in the tertiary institutions where the school management behaves like a God over the students, they refused to see their roles as the parents to the students on campus and it is a pleasure of parents to trust and leave their students with these lecturers and managements.

Similar to the successful Students Union in London (WASU) was launched in Nigeria which was mismanaged by the Vice Chancellors, the VCs misunderstood this union, the confraternity and used all their power to frustrate the students in order to hide away from what the students were requesting for, but we all could know the result that may occur through this? The open cult went to hidden in order to secure their interest which was to fight for their rights as lecturers also fight for their rights in the face of the government which noone chastise them for it.

The students who were involved in this open cultism went into secret to operate and you know the result of what they operate from the dark? It is always brutal and battered, if school management had managed this very well with better relationship with the students and as a proof of their professorship mental and psychological training, this would not have escalated like this, that everyone is suffering from it, the society both the rich and the poor, elites and the illiterates even the school management are suffering from it, the school management must hereby apologize to the students world for the troubles they have brought in campus due to their lack of good management.

 Therefore, talked about our subject matter "Cults in schools comprise of students coming together to perform illegal and harmful activities, that are usually planned in secret. Members are enticed to join with promises such as status, respect, wealth, power and recognition. In reality, cultism will end up destroying any society or institution where it exists"

The Father of Nigerian Students-FONS, Chief Dr. Patrick Osagie Eholor otherwise known as Ultimate Equal in an interview with All Campus Show correspondence, he said "Cultism has become norms in the whole world, Brazilians cult, Chinese, American.

"These cultists are very responsible, what it means in a latin word is friendship, that is why it is calledconfratality, this means to come together as friends, most of them are registered and it means government is aware and anytime anything is registered, it should be respected, I am not speaking for them but it is reality we should not shy away from. These people practicing cult just needed to be well orientated, they should make them have and follow the constitution of the cult, even if there is need to fight, it should be controlled.

"Looking at the confraternity created by Wole Soyinka and the likes, it was done to requesting for their right from the school management and it was an open, they were physically recognized, so it was not founded because of crime, even those that are not cultists still commit crimes, they need more enlightenment, that confraternize is not to kill.

"What really escalated cultism in Nigeria is that some high rank government officials and security agents are involved and when you have high ranked people into the cultism, it would be very difficult to manage, because those st the top would not want to be exposed, do they do their job to cover things.

Solomon Arase, the former Inspector General of Police, when the rate of killing among the cult people was increased, he called the confraternity leaders to caution and stop any fight that lead to killing and if the fight proceed, he is going to jail all of them, then all of them were called to order and there was reduction of killing and such madness in our society. Therefore to curb cult fight and killings is to call the cult heads, give orientation, plead to them that these are people's children, leaders of tomorrow.

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