Romance: Girls can toast boys too (18+)

By: Busuyi Ojo-Jobus

There has been a certain misinformation that have put many girls in bondage on who to propose love to each other between a girl matured for relationship and a guy.

The mentality stated that "It is not normal for a girl to ask a guy out, that the boy may take her for granted or turn her down, that it sounds somehow" Yes it can happen, it happen to guys everyday and they didn't die.

There are cases where some guys do not have a sound mind to approach girls, he likes you but cannot come to you, you like him too and you have the might to speak but because of the societal misinformation aforementioned, you let that relationship go just like that, you may not see that kind of guy again, you may not know what you have lost.

Therefore I challenge you as a girl, go after that boy, chat him up, call him, talk to him, tell him you have like him for some characteristics you see in him that you will appreciate if a relationship can work out. 

Even if the guy haven't thought about it, he will not see you as a prostitute or look down on you, he will rather see you as an exceptional girl and place you higher than the girl he has been talking to but procrastinating the 'Yes'

Toast that boy now!

Help many by sharing this article.

A guy can also send it to that girl dreaming of proposing to, you understand?

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