China leaders don't see themselves as Emperors, Eholor asks Nigerians to wake up.

Many Nigerians including the past public office holders have believed in corruption as a disease that kills Nigeria slowly. The way the Politicians loot public funds in Nigeria cannot be compared with the level of corruption in any other country, the rate poverty increases everyday as a result of insecurity, floods as well as other disasters which government may say there is no fund to take care of. 

However, talking about corruption in Nigeria, it is known that it did not start from now, it has been since the inception of the independence. Nigeria that is blessed with lot of natural resources especially crude oil, then Nigeria could be termed as one who is still begging to eat, 62 years old Nigerian still crawling economical wise as well as areas.

The looting, the corruption is the disease that is killing Nigeria slowly and this can be traced to lack of good governing system that leaves the looters to go free without being persecuted, this has encourage the Nigerian leaders to grow more wings as dragon to suck the economy to death.

Chief Dr. Patrick Osagie Eholor otherwise known as Ultimate Equal, the Father of Nigerian Students-FoNS and the Global President of One Love Foundation, he passionately lamented on the current situation of the country, says Nigeria is on the sick bed, Ill seriously, the doctors are the citizens, that will take syringe containing solution contents to injecting their minds, in order to be able to fight and win the wolves and hyenas in government.

Eholor who spoke from China this morning, he told our correspondence and in his statement, he said:

"The government has abused us very seriously to create jobs for us, in China here leaders here don't see themselves as emperors, they don't see their followers as slaves and Civil Servants do not steal money. When they try to steal money they'll face a firing squad as good as a death sentence or life imprisonment."

"There are no police harassing the citizens, the army, they are in the borders, you don't see religious houses in every corners, after the government abuse the citizens has no choice than to fall for imam or pastor, I'm not saying all are fake or there is no God or Allah, it will be blasphemy for me to say that. There is too much of our money in the hands of one so called leader."

"I therefore suggest that the government should create more employment while the Citizens should wake up to their responsibility, if there's any elected members who did not use their constituency allowance the citizens should stone them when they arrive at their constituency. It is no longer business as usual, citizens should wake up and some of these people who does not know what I represent is just for them to take a second and imagine how I live. By the Grace of God I've worked so hard in my life and I can afford these luxury, we should stop waiting to get to heaven before we can enjoy life, nobody can attest to how heaven or hell look like."

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