Obaseki Shame: Edo Governor stucks in the broken, flooded road.

John Mayaki wrote: "In a shocking turn of events, Governor Godwin Obaseki of Edo State finds himself caught in the collapse of infrastructure he refused to address. The recent incident where his convoy got stuck on the same road he neglected speaks volumes about his administration’s lack of commitment to the plight of the people of Edo State."

"Just 48 hours after criticizing the Federal government’s policies as “confusing” and hindering the repair of federal roads in the state, Governor Obaseki’s convoy faced the consequences of his inaction on the Benin-Sapele road. It’s ironic how he bemoaned the situation while failing to take decisive action to fix the very roads his predecessor, Adams Oshiomhole, had constructed using a refund of N16 billion from the federal government."

"The people of Edo State had hoped that this substantial amount would be utilized by the Obaseki administration to build more roads and enhance the state’s infrastructure. However, to their dismay, the governor chose to wash his hands of any responsibility, claiming that these roads solely belonged to the federal government. This begs the question: Was his predecessor not aware of the road’s ownership when undertaking its construction? And if so, why did Governor Obaseki willingly accept the N16 billion refund without fulfilling his duty to improve federal roads in the state?"

"Obaseki’s track record speaks for itself – a leader who consistently finds excuses for his failures rather than taking responsibility for his actions. His refusal to undertake significant projects is reminiscent of a student who blames the teacher for his poor performance while refusing to put in the effort to study. It is a grave disservice to the people who entrusted him with their mandate to govern the state."

"Notably, this is not the first time Governor Obaseki promised to address the dilapidated state of the Benin-Sapele road. Years ago, he stood before protesters and accused the federal government of neglect, assuring the people that he would fix the road for their benefit. Regrettably, three years have passed, and Obaseki has yet to honor his words, leaving Edo people to bear the consequences of his broken promises."

"The recent video circulating on social media, showcasing Governor Obaseki and his convoy stuck in a massive flood on the same road he vowed to fix, epitomizes the irony of his leadership. It is a poignant reminder of his inability to fulfill his responsibilities as a leader and underscores the suffering endured by the people due to his neglect."

"The people of Edo State deserve better – a leader who takes genuine interest in their welfare and delivers on promises made. Governor Obaseki’s refusal to address the crumbling infrastructure and his penchant for giving excuses are clear indications that he is not the leader they need."

"It is high time Governor Obaseki acknowledged his failures and took immediate action to address the pressing issues faced by the people of Edo State. The state deserves a leader who prioritizes their well-being and works tirelessly to improve their living conditions. Anything less would be a betrayal of their trust and an abdication of his duty as their elected representative."

"The plight of Edo State demands urgent attention, and it is time for Governor Obaseki to rise to the occasion, cast aside his excuses, and work earnestly for the betterment of the state and its people. Only then can he redeem himself from the quagmire of negligence and broken promises that has come to define his tenure."

"Edo State deserves progress, not mere rhetoric. It is time for Governor Obaseki to demonstrate true leadership and deliver on the promises he made to the people who believed in his vision for a better state. The fate of Edo State lies in his hands, and the time for decisive action is now."

Reacting to the shame of the governor, Labour Party chieftain who has been pointing to the bad roads in Edo State especially the said Sapele Road.

Chief Dr. Patrick Osagie Eholor otherwise known as Ultimate Equal, the Global President of One Love Foundation and the Father of Nigerian Students-FONS said in his statement with the Journalists today, he said:

"I will keep calling those who refuse to listen to the cry of the people and just do the needful for the betterment of this country Nigeria."

"If Governor Godwin Obaseki had listened and responded to my pleas, protest and letter sent to the state regarding Sapele Road, he wouldn't have been the mockery of Edo people by now."

"Again I want to use this medium to call on Barrister Julius Abure, National Chairman Labour Party and Peter Obi that they should call on those Labour Party representatives the likes of Neda Imasuen to order, that they should remember the people that voted them there, some lost their life, many got injured in the process and they should place the people first above their selfish interest."

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