Exclusive with Eholor: Activist tackles Asari Dokubo for hate speech, challenges new IG, others.

The Father of Nigerian Students-FONS, also the global President of One Love Foundation, Chief Dr. Patrick Osagie Eholor otherwise known as Ultimate Equal has reacted to the posted video of Asari Dokubo, where he talked about the Igbos, how his father sold igbos when alive, he also said in the video that Britain's intervention hindered him from selling them. However, Asari Dokubo in the video also flaunted amunitions he acquired in his house.

The happenings and the speech in this video above triggered Ultimate Equal's reaction, who lamented about the wrong happenings we pamper in this country, that anything can happen and we live it like that. Remember, the former American President, Donald Trump called Nigeria "A shithole" The country Nigeria is a Nation's Nation, it is not meant for one person or cabals not even for a certain group of people, it is for all of us according to the Democracy we practice. Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of America who called Democracy as " The government of the people by the people and for the people" Eholor referred Nigeria to people's Nation and the government as people's government.

In an interview with the Journalists yesterday, he condemned the act Asari Dokubo displayed in the video and as challenged the Inspector General of Police, Chief of Army and Defense staff as well as the new NSA, Ribadu to quickly invite Mr. Dokubo for a quick interrogation. Eholor spoke with passion:

" Is Nigeria a failed state? I asked this question because I think all men are born equal and I also think that the law has no respect of anybody but surprisingly, I have seen that all fingers are not equal."

"I have also seen that all animals are not also equal in Nigeria. Recently, we watched in amusements, when Asari Dokubo got a clearance to go to Aso Rock, like any other person who is a VIP in this country. The issue is not him going to Aso Rock, like Big Gates, like any other personality but the issue is that he was given a Nigeria's Sovereignty flag. He was accorded with the highest respect. He has a broadcast to the nation and to the world. When he claimed that he controls 6 states out of 36 states in Nigeria, that a lot of his men died, do we have statistics of the living and the dead in Nigeria? If we do, can he show us the men that died where they were buried? And after that broadcast, he lambasted the military how feared they are, how they connived with oil thieves to steal our money. But he didn't have the guts to mention their names. I am not saying that there are no military collaborators or Navy collaborators, or civil defense, or others. But if you have struck an allegation, you should be able to substantiate it and back it up with evidence, instead  the next day, after having that privilege, he did a video by claiming that the father used to be a slave master, that if the father was alive, his own trade would be a continuation of selling the igbos."

 "Are the igbos not Nigerians? And if they are Nigerians, why should we allow those bigotries, those world insensitive to insult people as great as they are, even though they have suffered in the last civil war? And that is why I want to challenge the new decorated AIG, who said he is a tiger and is a lion, two in one. That's very powerful. If you are a tiger and you are a lion, and you know that we cannot have unlawful weapons in this country, I am going to attach this report with a video so that you can invite us Asari Dokunbo because if not the failed state, where we are now can defend ourselves by every misnecessarily."

"I think the few of us cannot have submachine guns, AK -47s, and other dangerous weapons. And I also want to challenge Ribadu, because of our internal security, to invite, as a matter of fact, immediately, Asari Dokubo to ask him where he got that gun from, or where he is buying the ammunition from, or the 36 state that he was controlling, how many people died and how many people he killed, we should know. And I am also challenging the new Chief of Army Staff and Defense Staff to immediately invite him and also have the same question, because we cannot allow outlaw in this country. And I thank my brothers and my sister from the east that they have not retaliated back, or they have not even tried to use any alterances back to this Asari Dokubo, who thinks that Nigeria belongs to him and belongs to him alone, that violence is the only part that we can use in Nigeria to be successful."

" In all, I want to thank the President, Asiwaju Bola Tinubu, in my last video broadcast and article published, when I spoke about the 114% that the Senate and House of Representatives must pass it because there is law brought us together as Nigerians, the salary  increment should be mostly benefited by the Judiiciary, I strongly believe however if there are going to be any increment, the judges should be the number one to consider so that they can carry out their duty well to avoid them being bias in their judgement, because judiciary is the last hope for the common people."

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