Ultimate Equal grants Gov Obaseki 72 hours Ultimatum to open Federal High Courts in the State.

Human Rights Activist Chief Dr. Patrick Osagie Eholor, otherwise known as the Ultimate Equal, has in video made available to Journalists,  given  Edo state Governor, Godwin Obaseki,  72 hours to open either of the closed high courts in the state. This call came after the release of a passionate appeal from an unknown source, calling upon the Edo state governor , to  take necessary actions in restoring and renovating the Federal High Courts Benin.

The message  titled “A Passionate appeal to the Edo State Governor to intervene in the restoration of the Federal High Court, Benin Division”, reads: 

“The Federal High Court Is a superior court of record as enshrined in the 1999 constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria as amended with very wide jurisdiction and endowed with exclusive powers over certain subject matters which other courts cannot entertain, section 251 of the constitution explains the exclusive and special jurisdiction of this Court. 

Over the years the Benin Division of the Federal High Court has been having serious flooding/ecological challenges which have rendered it unpassable and unacceptable to Honourable Judges, Lawyers, Staff and litigants, when it rains and even after some days. The cry of the leadership of the court and the Bar two years ago attracted the intervention of the Federal Ministry of Works which embarked on the construction of the access road to the court with side drains.”

 “Unfortunately this intervention, laudable as it is, did not do much. The building housing the court is now a death trap as it likely to collapse anytime soon. The team of experts recently deployed to the site by the Federal Ministry of Works upon the appeal of the Honourable Chief Judge of the Federal High Court, to carry out integrity test on the building which now suffers cracks revealed the deadly state of the building if not urgently evacuated. This report led to the directive for closure of the court by the Chief Judge of the Federal High Court.”

“As earlier stated, the Federal High Court is a specialised court handling so many cases particularly drugs related matters, copy right violation, cyber offences, financial crimes etc. As we speak, there are many defendants in prison custody who cannot enjoy freedom or have their cases heard and determined. 

The closure of this court has also greatly affected the practice of Lawyers and seriously whittled down litigation in Edo State. I therefore appeal to His Excellency the Governor of Edo State, Mr. Godwin Nogheghase to urgenly intervene as His Excellency has always assured of making Edo State a Judicial hubb.”

Speaking on the Issue, Dr Eholor referred to one of his previous complain on Ekehuan road which has been taking close to 7 years with the Obaseki led administration as the Governor of Edo State, Ekehuan road to Gelegele as well as other linked roads in Benin even in the G.R.A are not pliable.

Furthermore, Dr. Eholor who takes his TikTok accounts to express his sadness on the governance of Edo state. In his words “requested the SSG to Obaseki, Barr. Odion, as a barrister who knows the law while he is unable to advise the Governor of Edo State that Judgement delayed is Judgement denied.”

“It is so unfortunate that the federal high court has been closed for almost 3 months, I think Omorodion with his experience in law should know better and advise the Governor, there are women that were raped as well as the ones that their parents were murdered and some that were robbed. If the court is shut down for 3 months, we cannot keep shut to allow the wicked rejoice, I will keep talking until the right thing is done, I announced my leave on social media sometime ago but I am back, as I did not disclose when to come back, now I am back. There were some internet rats that were sent to do the usual things, but this cannot discourage me as I have been  doing this since three decades of my life, being at the side of the common people, I am not doing it for money or popularity, I am still Ultimate Equal without these“. He said.

Eholor further challenged the office of the chairman of Edo state Nigerian Bar Association, “how would your court be closed for that long? Obaseki who does not know his work than to buy the INEC officials to rig election, to engage in daylight robbery, stealing ballot boxes, even if there is an issue with the court, giving them a temporary space is better so that the court can work on their cases.”

“To the judiciary as well as others who can not talk as I am using this opportunity to speak for you, you have turned yourselves to Obaseki slaves, those who speak the truth do not have friends, I do not need your friendship. I am giving you Godwin Obaseki, the Edo state Governor 72 hours to open high court one and two so that you do not procrastinate judgement for those who are seeking it, be it the market women, the women that were raped or people that are robbed.” Eholor concluded.

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