Eholor Calls Out Obaseki Over Oshiomole’s Arrest.

The Democracy Observer General of the Federation, has said that Politicians in Nigeria, have been the problem in Nigeria as he commented on the order of Oshiomole ‘s arrest by Governor Godwin Obaseki. 

Chief Patrick Osagie Eholor otherwise known as the Ultimate equal, said the victims of the riot in Benin City on Wednesday 15,2023, didn’t have to die that way, he also said the people are angry and bitter with the situation of things in the Country, however Riot is not the best way to go about it. 

He blamed the President and the CBN Governor for being adamant in enforcing a  good policy with a very bad implementation.

In reacting to Oshiomole’s case, he tagged it as a Misbehaviour on the APC chieftains path, saying that the former Governor should have left the stage when his ovation was  loudest. Stating that Edo people have accessed that he has failed and this gave room for all that has happened.

Adding that it’s a shame as well for Governor Obaseki who is no different from him, to be calling for his arrest.

The Human Rights Activist said Protests are done with our voice and placard, not matchetes and deadly weapons. So the Soldiers and Police cannot be blamed totally, they had their jobs to discharge, they are also humans, and they need to protect us and themselves too”. He stated.

He further recommended that the Military and Police should approach issues like this with diplomacy, in order to avoid too much killings, adding that they should adopt the use of rubber bullets or teasers instead of pulling the trigger.

“ For those burning the banks, how do you get your money back? If any politician is using you to do this, tell them to bring their children alongside others.

“Most of their children are not here in Nigeria, your life is as meaningful as the lives of Tinubu, Oshiomole and Peter Obi and others, he hoped the narrative changes and destruction with your party.” He said.

He further listed Tribalism, nepotism and favouritism as the mother of Corruption as  he blamed President Buhari for his failure to  kill corruption as he earlier promised.

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