My Vision and Passion for UNIBEN Pharmacy-Prof. Patrick Igbinaduwa.


Meet Professor Patrick Igbinaduwa, former Dean of Students, University of Benin, speaks about his passion and vision for the University’s Faculty of Pharmacy, if elected as the Faculty’s Dean in the forthcoming Deanship election.

Can we meet you?

My name is Professor Patrick Osarenmwinda Igbinaduwa, immediate past Dean of Students of the University of Benin. I am running to become the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy. A Professor of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, and an Alumnus of the University, I graduated with a Bachelor of Pharmacy degree in 1995; Masters in Pharmaceutical Chemistry, 2008; and a PhD in Pharmaceutical Chemistry, 2014. I joined the services of the University of Benin in 2005, and rose through the rank to become a Professor in 2019. I am happily married with beautiful Children.

What have you done before now?

I have served the Faculty under various Deans since joining the services of the University. I was Faculty Examination Officer, Postgraduate Co-ordinator, Transcript Officer, Chairman of the Mandatory Professional Development for Pharmacist, MCPD; Head of Department and Acting Dean on several occasions. At the University level, I have served in various Committees including the Junior Staff Disciplinary Committee as Vice Chancellor’s representative, Senate representative and member, Search Team for the Appointment of a Vice Chancellor for the University; Shuttle and Toll Gates Committee, Strategic Planning Committee, Procurement Planning Committee, Part-Time Programmes Committee, Students’ Advisory Committee, Security Committee, Essential Services and Invited Lecture Series, just to mention but a few.
I have worked very closely with all former Deans in the Faculty. For instance, under Prof. Usifoh, I was the Faculty Examination Officer and Member, MCPD. Under Prof. Osazuwa. I served as the Faculty Examination Officer; while under Prof. Akerele, I was Transcript Officer; Member, MCPD; Head of Department; and under the current Dean, I have served as Transcript Officer; Postgraduate Co-ordinator, Chairman, MCPD; Head of Department and Administrator of Pharmacy Alumni.

Specifically, I have intervened in the Faculty in the following ways:
1. The development [of the concept], implementation and realization of the Uniben Methylated Spirit and Hydrogen peroxide production Unit.
2. I facilitated the renovation of students’ toilets, renovated lecture theatres and changed the air conditioners in the lecture theatres at no cost to the University.
3. Facilitated the construction of a relaxation area for students in the Faculty, courtesy of GT Bank.
4. Personally, funded the cleaning of part of the Faculty building during the strike.
5. As Administrator of the Uniben Pharmacy Alumni, I was instrumental to several interventions including the donation of a bus to the faculty.

What can you say were your achievements as Dean of Students?:

1. Lightening up the Halls of Residence and the Students’ Affairs Division.
2. Facilitated and oversaw the total and complete renovation of Keystone Hostel by the Bank’s Management, at no cost to the University.
3. Supervised the renovation of the Halls of Residence by the Edo state government.
4. Before my time as Dean of Students, Nursing students were ‘prevented’ from participating in NYSC for two years. This was resolved under my watch.
5. Saw to the removal of all illegal structures in the Halls of Residence, thereby creating a conducive atmosphere for living.
6. Successfully supervised the games village for the 2020 NUGA games.
7. Conducted a free, fair and credible SUG election. The election recorded no single petition, as the entire process was adjudged by all participants to be credible, transparent, free and fair.
8. Developed, introduced and implemented the software for electronic voting system in the University.
9. Restructured the visiting hours in the Halls of Residence.
10. Successfully allocated students’ accommodation for two academic sessions with less hitches.
11. Facilitated the construction of at least 1,000 wooden and iron beds in the Halls of Residence.
12. Encouraged students’ participation in development of the University. For instance, I got the Executive of Keystone hostel to raise the sum of 5 million Naira. This money was handed over to the University management, and was utilized in the construction of a gym (Sports facility) for the students.
13. Encouraged and facilitated the conversion of over 10 qualified Non-Academic staff to Academic cadre.
14. Successfully managed over 250 staff under the Student Affairs Division. At the same time, I co-ordinated the activities of all Faculties, Associations, Fellowships on Campus, students in Halls of Residence, and the Students’ Union. It is on record that after my first year as Dean of Students, the Students’ Union account which was managed by my Office had a balance of over 10 million Naira and when I handed over, at the end of my tenure, the balance was over 12 million Naira. This was after purchasing a Sienna bus for the Union.
15. Renovated the Student Affairs building, at no cost to the University.

What organisations have you held administrative positions in the past, and what were your achievements?

I am currently the Chairman, Parents/Teachers Association, Presentation National High School, Benin City. As Chairman, I was able to provide CCTV cameras in every nook and cranny of the school. There is a CCTV camera in every classroom. The school is fully powered by solar, courtesy of the PTA under my leadership. This is apart from the massive renovation and incentives to staff which were initiated by my administration.

What are your Plans and Vision for the Faculty if elected as the Dean?

I strongly believe that I have what it takes to serve in that capacity as the Faculty’s Dean. My vision, dream and aspiration go beyond just the discharging of responsibilities only. These sets of vision are meant for a greater Pharmily and border on the following framework:

(10-Points Agenda):

1. Reactivation of Work Culture and Ethics; and Clinical Supplementation.
2. Reactivation of research culture: We will re-introduce the Annual Pharmacy Research Day to promote the culture of Research in the faculty, and provide financial renumeration to the best 3 researchers in the Faculty.
3. Establishment of Pharmacy Annual Distinguished Alumni Lecture series.
4. Revitalization of NAPA: If elected as the Dean of the Faculty, I will immediately call for Elections into the Executive of NAPA. I will provide financial and logistic support to NAPA towards the realization of its mandate.
5. Cleanliness and light up of the Faculty: I am not impressed with the current hygiene condition of the faculty. The aesthetic appeal of the faculty will be that which is befitting of a Pharmacy. Also, the current situation where staff and students cannot work or study at night is totally unacceptable. This is because the old and new buildings are in total darkness. My experience as Dean of Students have shown that lightening up the faculty is achievable. If you have ever driven through the Student Affairs Division or go to the Halls of Residence at night, you will know how the Faculty of Pharmacy will look like when we come into office.
6. Accountability: We will operate a transparent and open-administration where the money meant for the Faculty will be utilised in running the Faculty. The office of the Dean shall render an annual account of all income and expenses to the Faculty board members.
7. Migration to CONUASS: I am aware that some universities are benefitting from this. Working with the new Executives of NAPA and the University management, this will be a top priority to my administration.
8. Staff Development: Members of staff shall be encouraged to participate in personal and professional development both within and outside the University. We shall sponsor at least three staff to conferences within Nigeria in the first instance. My administration will encourage staff to develop grant writing skills, and facilitate grant writing workshops for Faculty members.
9. Strengthen the Post-graduate programme: The PG programme in my department, for instance, is comatose. There are many reasons responsible for this. It ranges from lack of clearly defined timelines for these students, to some lecturers not teaching their courses when and as when due. These are all leadership issues. As Head of Department, I graduated over 10 students from Pharmaceutical Chemistry. This is a department where we used to have 1 or 2 students in a class. After I left office, we are back to the same state. As Dean, I will provide the necessary drive to ensure that the PG programme runs smoothly.
10. Restitution of the Alumni body: As the Founding Secretary and Administrator of the Alumni body, I fully understand what is currently wrong with the body, and with the right leadership, which I will provide, the Alumni will be properly refocused.

There is a lot to be done in this Faculty, and that is why I am offering myself for service. I have demonstrated my capacity in this University as the Dean of Students. I have equally worked with all current Deans in the various Faculties, the Faculty of Pharmacy will have so much to gain if I emerge as the Dean. I have, therefore, accepted to take responsibility, when elected. I might not be able to please everybody, but I will take the right decision(s) for everybody.

Thank you and God bless.

Prof Patrick Igbinaduwa
Aspirant for the Dean of Pharmacy,
University of Benin.

Source: Campus Gist.

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