Disclaimer: Chief Dr. Eholor finally laments the true negative DNA of his two children.

The general public is warned that Nosa Richie Eholor and Kelvin Oghowmen Eholor,  both  supposed to be my children until I found out after doing a DNA test that I was duped by their mother. It is a long story I am not doing this out of hatred, I love them with all my heart."

According to the Canadian Resident, in a bid to have his Sons to reside in Canada, he conducted a mandatory DNA test which is a key requirement for migration in Canada. But to his uttermost surprise, the DNA test results came out negative twice.  

 "I was compelled, DNA was very expensive it was about $10,000 to DNA test in Vancouver just to prove them wrong because it was hard to believe that Taiye would do such a thing and I loved her so much but she was not promiscuous, she would not hurt me or hurt herself" he said.

He also disclosed that as at the time of the DNA Test, 

  but I was the biological father of my other children, I don't want to mention their name for privacy reason." 

"I consulted my wife Taiye "Please tell me why you did this to me". She told me that "she's one in a billion who have a special blood that the doctor does not know what they are saying", but you know that DNA will exonerate you in some special investigative case. I was very confused at that moment and at the same time I was trusting God for his blessings, I could not deal with it alone, I had to call a family meeting on the subject matter that both children are not mine and she knows the fact but she lied to me, now let us look for their father because the children will be having some problems here every time because this is a spiritual and emotional thing, but Women are very deep, they hold on to their secret and take it to grave but I could not hold on to mine because I am a man.

 "I am writing this because I believe my life story is an interesting one, I cannot be in this world fighting and then when I'm not here again I will still be fighting in my grave because some women will come out and bring children that have not been proven by DNA that they are my children and I do not want my biological children to have conflict when I leave this world, my wife who have been a beacon of hope to me, I do not want her to have any difficulty when I pass on."

Dr. Eholor further said "No one is sure of forever living on earth but I do not want to take this for granted so I therefore want to tell the general public that whatever you do to these two people, you are not doing it because they bare the same name with me or the same likeness for me but you are doing it at your own detriment so please I love these two individuals so much but they are not my biological children. Therefore, do not transact any business with my company, with my personal relationship with you, or any other circumstances without verification from me or without looking at this disclaimer you will be taking a very serious risk." Chief Dr. Eholor added.

"I am not doing this because of family problem or inheritance problem, we are the Binis and we follow tradition to the later, in our tradition we don't take a child that is not our biological child but we can adopt, we do this because of our ancestors. I am doing this for peace sake because I don't want to leave any issue behind when I depart from this world."

At the time of gathering this fact, during the press conference today, Eholor takes time to encourage others who are passing through the same not to see it as the end of their life, that it could sounds unhealthy emotionally, but that is one of the challenges of life, whosoever that found himself in this should try to bear it, he has come out to use his case to counsel other people to be bold enough to call the children, the woman and whom it may concern and tell them the result then walk away or stay if you want. Dr. Eholor finally said he is going to use his foundation "One Love Foundation" to pioneer a platform where he would be counseling those who are having the same or similar stories that the outcome should not make the victims to be depressed or commit suicide.

The videos of this incident would be released as from tomorrow.

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