The Return Of Bini Artefacts, where should they lay?

Following up the trending story about the stolen Artefacts of the Bini Kingdom, and as we unveil the other hidden truth behind this case between the tradition of Bini and Western politics.

Below are the preferred questions and answers to shed greater light to case aforementioned:

1. Can you explain where the Bini Artefacts were and how they were stolen?

Answer: Before the punitive expedition the stolen artefacts were in the Oba palace while some replica of them were at Igun street because the Igbèsamwán (Carvers) are based in that location.

How they were stolen?

During the 1897 invasion by the British army, at about when they captured Benin city and the Palace without Oba Ovonramwen Nògbaisi, the army entered into the palace and when they saw that the Benin palace got in stock with beautiful artefact they looted the palace and took them to their place for displays using the stolen artefacts to make money for themselves.

2. The role of Oba of Benin regards to the returns of the stolen artefacts can never be overemphasized, you know before the installation of every Oba of Benin, they are either working as an ambassador between two countries or while they are still in the position as an Oba they'll become an ambassador, that position to me they have utilised to the fullest in soliciting for the returns of the stolen artefacts. 

While for Edo state Governor, his role was that he signed an MOU with the British on the ground that he will keep the artefacts in a safer place out from the palace, according to the MOU, Mr Godwin Obaseki was to build another museum in collaboration with other organizations in Edo state. The museum he called Edo Museum Of West African Arts (Emowaa).

3. The reaction of the Binis when some of the stolen artefacts were returned was a joyful one with lot of excitement.

4. The Artifacts undoubtedly belongs to the Benin mornach.

5. My view about the issue is that, General Godwin Obaseki is trying to hijack the process of the return of the stolen artifacts which to me doesn't in any way makes sense, every Governor in Edo have a tenure but that of the Oba of Benin is divine according to Benin *Aisagbonrioba* 

6. The Artifacts were stolen from the Benin Palace and not from Edo state Government house, it wasn't carved during the tenure of any governor but was done even before Edo state became one, so it is baseless to say that the artifact should be in Emowaa which will be built by the MOU from General Godwin Obaseki.  It is the property of the Oba of Benin and he have to decide what he have to do with it.

7. I can only but warn Governor Godwin Obaseki to be careful on how he deals with Palace affairs regards to the returns of the artifact, history will not repeat itself especially now that the Edo state People are wiser.

In conclusion there's need for Godwin Obaseki to seek the blessing of Oba Of Benin and pledge his loyalty to the palace if he really mean well to Edo state People, the Oba is our father he forgives anyone who he deem fits to forgive. every country makes money from the artefacts which is regarded as history but there's nothing to compare to Edo state history which is the cradle of Civilization compared to the rest world. Why can't we on our own make money from our own artefacts so we can take the unemployed from the street.

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