Benin Artefacts: a story of Benin betrayal, thieves and hijackers- Chief Eholor laments to All Campus Show ( Part 2).

Chief Dr. Patrick Osagie Eholor otherwise known as the Ultimate Equal. Has again, reiterated that the returned Benin Artefacts belongs to the Oba of Benin and not the State government.

He made this known in a Phone interview with ACS Correspondent on Wednesday afternoon. 

All Campus Show reports that Dr. Patrick took to his Social Media page to comment on the return of the stolen Benin Artefacts by Germans. 

The post which reads:

“Artefact belongs to the Oba of Benin not for the Edo people as claimed by Godwin Obaseki", Was made in a bid to Clarify the Bini people on  true ownership of the returned Bronze Artifacts .

During the phone interview, Patrick disclosed that since the establishment of the Emowa Museum by the State Governor, he alongside others has been in objection of Governor Obaseki’s decision to boycott Royal Family.

“ Before Oba Erediawa passed, he told his son who is currently on the throne , that when the Artefacts are  returned, they should be brought into the Palace and a Benin Museum should be built in the Palace and not a West African Museum.

“We thought the case had rested.

Until yesterday when the Germans arrived , and Gov. Obaseki took the Artefacts without the Consent of the Oba of Benin “.

As he spoke, he passionately Lamented saying, if he was alive during the first betrayal  of Oba Ovonramwen by Agho Obaseki. He would have done all he could to protect his king, even if it meant shedding his blood.

He vowed to fight vehemently for the restoration of the Artefacts which were stolen by the British and never to allow history repeat as he promised to reach out to German, British Embassies even the United Nation Organization, further remarking that People are entitled to their Fathers wealth. 

“ The Artefacts belonged to the Oba until they were stolen, and now that they’re being returned they should be given back to the rightful owners. Which is the Royal Family.” He said.

He called on all Benin Sons and Daughter in Nigeria and Diaspora to lend their voices in fighting for this cause.

Chief Patrick further asserts that in a bid to Set up the Emowa Museum, The governor had previously made some moves to grab the land of the Nigerian Union of Journalist which was also  given as a donation by the Palace a long time ago. 

 Despite the denial from the State government and his aids involved, the incident repeated itself a week ago sent.

In reacting to this, the human rights activist sworn to never  allow the land to be taken from the NUJ as he disclosed that his Lawyers were already filling a case of Trespass and land grabbing against Governor Obaseki.

Chief Patrick stated further that Since the incident occurred, the governor has  stylishly been avoiding Journalists.

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