Exclusive: Professor Christopher Ugholo ; an Exceptional Prof. In University of Benin.


“There are shortcuts to happiness, and dancing is one of them.”  Dancing is a culture that has existed for millions of years, and when performed by professionals or amateurs is mostly a language of expression. However, to some, Dancing is a means of therapy, to some is a lifestyle while for some others it’s just a form of entertainment. While people have various perspectives on the concept, it is easily agreeable that Dancing is part of human  lifestyle. 

Talking about Dance as an Academic discipline. Over the years, Department of Theatre Arts, in the Prestigious University of Benin has produced numerous amount of certified happy people( Dancers) who are masters of the Craft. This they have done with the aid of honorable Lecturers who are committed to fully discharging the command of their duties by infusing their students with full knowledge of the Art.

In the Department of Theatre Arts, there exists a Significant Dance Coach. One who has coached and produced great dancers. According to our findings, in the history of the Department, whenever the Concept Dance is mentioned, a name pops in the mind of all. We are talking about  Professor Christopher Ugolo, a highly respected Professor of African Dance. 

In a phone chit-chat with All Campus Show on Friday,  the highly respected Professor, who is a senior Lecturer and the Current Dean of Faculty of Arts in the University of Benin,  Benin-city, Nigeria,  spoke about the recent challenge the teaching profession and  Nigerian educational System faced. He expressed dissatisfaction at the current system. According to him “If the Government has high value for education the strike will not have lasted this long.” He lamented the act of keeping lecturers and students idle at home, and also mentioned the negative effects the strike has caused to economic factors around the University. 

Speaking on his achievements as a Lecturer from 1996 still date, Ugolo portrayed the teaching profession as one that involves a passion for imparting others stating that material and financial benefits have never been driving force for him. 

“ Sometimes, the work we do at the University level is selfless, we put in a lot in trying to make a difference in the life of our students, but what we get in return does not commiserate. You can not quantify it with what we get in return

“ As a matter of fact, all over the world, the work of a Professor is selfless and can’t be quantified, this is because knowledge is priceless.When you are imparting knowledge, you do it not necessary for the benefits but for the Joy of making the life of students a little bit better and different giving them information that will improve their lives and make them better in society. 

“When you see your students successful in the future , it gives you a sense of great satisfaction. I think that's the Joy we get as people who impact the lives of others. Imparting Knowledge to the younger generation so that they can be better and make a better society not necessarily the material and financial benefits.” 

"My achievements can be quantified in terms of my contribution to my discipline -Dance. I have been privileged to be the pioneer President of the Association of Dance Scholars in Nigeria. When I came into dance in Nigeria, it was nothing recognized in terms of the academics". He continued.

“ However, as a professor in this area, we have bee able to bring the scholarship of dance into limelight in Nigeria. We are Pioneering efforts of professors in the area which very there are few professors. However, I have produced two students who are also professors in Dance. It's a great privilege for me and a major contribution worthy of recognition .We are also pioneering areas of research making the scholarship of dance worthwhile”. He stated .

During the Discourse, Professor Ugolo revealed to our correspondent that he has pleaded the attention of the Institution’s management to providing a Modern Theatre for the Department, which has already been approved by the Vice Chancellor Professor Lillian. I. Salami. He assured UNIBEN Thespians to expect the emergence of a Modern Theatre Complex which has the facility for training students and displaying the works the department have produced. 

Professor Ugolo also said that the Modern Theatre is a great contribution to students that will inspire students to work harder and be more effective and further described as a boost in the confidence of students who will enjoy its benefits. Also adding that if new Dance, Music and Film studios are found in the department, everyone can have a chance to excel in their disciplines.

 Moreover, a question was asked if he had future intentions in becoming the Vice Chancellor of the University and in his response, the Prof, declared that before the time of the question, he had never thought about it. He further highlighted that leadership and Service to people is a privilege but if given such an opportunity to serve a great institution of UNIBEN as VC, he will do so with maximum commitment.


All Campus Show reports that in the whole University of Benin, Only six persons qualify for the position of Vice Chancellor and Professor Christopher Ugholo, is one of them.

Across the institution, Professor Christopher Ugolo is known for his friendly discipline to Students, friendly and effective teaching and a good fatherly role on campus. In his final remarks, he charged students to be hardworking and more focused in order to become proficient in their discipline.

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