Strike is the wrong approach to this government-All Campus Show


It is no longer news that renegotiation efforts between the Academic Staff Union of Universities and the Federal Government in a bid to end the prolonged strike have again proven to be futile as a result of the government's negligence in fulfilling their demanneighboringas confirmed in a meeting held in Abuja on Tuesday afternoon.

Speaking of the outcome of the failed meeting, A report in Punch newspaper had the ASUU National President state that the federal government has encouraged the strike to last longer due to its provocative indifference.

Meanwhile, the Minister of Education, Adamu Adamu, has advised students to sue ASUU and get compensation for the damage done. In a response to this instigation, Prof. Osodeke said, "The union has no words for him."

As usual, All Campus Show tried contacting the President several times, but unfortunately, he could not be reached. This could be due to their exhaustion from dealing with the problem.

The All Campus Show Publisher recounts how he once pleaded with the union and its national executives before the beginning of the strike to adopt other options in relaying their plights to the government. But he was accused of allegations of being bought over by the government as a tool of distraction. In his remarks, "with the statement of the education minister, things are backfiring at ASUU. In this current administration, strike as a means of compelling the government is not working. You have to study who you want to fight before launching an attack. 

Irrespective of the withheld salaries of lecturers these past 6 months, ASUU might not want to call off the strike for fear of shame and defeat."

"Nigeria's education in the twenty-first-century education is not what the government is supposed to be playing with."

Normally 26% of national budget is supposed to be allocated for education growth and development, but because the current administration lacks considerable understanding they have chosen to disregard the education system in Nigeria." 

How will a government allocate billions of naira to another neighbouring country to fight insecurity when they have not secure education in their own state." 

ASUU should devise better means to tackle these issues and enforce for better results." 

Meanwhile, according to a recent BBC report, the Buhari administration has had the longest period of prolonged ASUU strike since the start of the fourth Republic, with over 80 weeks and counting.

Again Campus Show really sympathize with the lecturers for being treated in a bad way by the FG. We believe their victory will come sometime soon.

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