The National Coordinator and Publisher for All campus Show News platform OJO BUSUYI-JOBUS launches his another fantastic book titled REALM OF THE DEAD. The book which talks about the life of men, the death of men, life after death, reincarnation, how ghosts operates and lots more. 

However, during the launch in Ibadan, Oyo state Nigeria on Sunday 22nd of August, 2021 which holds to the zoom online where the book launch takes place, Jobus unveils the pathways that connect heaven to earth; he describes it as an express which has a toll gate to enter another city or town. He also explains how babies connect to the given sperm and how the spirit of a baby comes from the other realm of life, the process and how the spirit of the baby merges with the sperm to form a baby man both spirit and physical to become one. 

Moreover, the book which talk about how spirit of the dead is welcomed in the realm of the dead and what happen to each spirit that enters there.

The book review by Pastor Adeleke Joshua of the Rain of Favour Ministry in South Africa, Adeleke makes a short summary of the book and also encourages all living men to get a copy in other to know about their life and where they are going to, that it is a birth right for a man to know everything about the life he is living and the realm he is going into after death.

Mr. Chukwunonso Nnaife, University of Benin lecturer who joins the launch online makes a contribution about the book, he makes it clear that this knowledge should be encouraged and pass to everyone in order to know the hidden and deep things which is not physically seen, he also launch the book as well as others at the launch.

Jobus in a close interview explains how he gets the inspiration from God directly, asking him to write down for men to have the said knowledge, he says he has not died before and that he will not die young but to fulfil the glorious destiny, I know all these things by the inspiration of God. Jobus who is fond of writing gigantic topical title, he has written lots of books like The Illiterate Professor, LESBIANISM IN DISGUISE which was launched on the Christmas day last year 2020. 

Jobus advices everyone who is still living to see their life as an opportunity and should not be taken for granted, they should do good to their neighbours, receive the spirit of God in their life to guide them to a path of peace in the realm of the dead, your way of life on earth will determine what will happen to you in the realm of the dead when you die and anybody can die at any time which is the reason why we should all do good all the time from now on.

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