Breakings: Still on the matter: The N500M allegedly national budget padding by some d!sgraced Senators -Dr. Eholor


Amidst recent allegations of budget padding tarnishing the Nigerian political landscape, Chief Dr. Patrick Eholor emerges as a beacon of transparency and accountability, steadfast in his commitment to ethical governance. As the founder of One Love Foundation, Chief Dr. Eholor has long been recognized as a distinguished advocate for social justice and good governance, tirelessly championing the cause of the ordinary citizen.

In light of the budget padding saga that has shaken the National Assembly, Chief Dr. Eholor's recent actions have been particularly noteworthy. Through a letter penned by his counsel and addressed to Senator Neda Imasuen, representing Edo South Senatorial District, Chief Dr. Eholor sought clarification on the senator's role in the alleged scandal. It's crucial to emphasize that Chief Dr. Eholor's inquiry is not an indictment of Senator Imasuen's character but rather a principled call for transparency and accountability in governance.

Driven by a firm belief in the principles of democracy and the rule of law, Chief Dr. Eholor's inquiry underscores his recognition of the constitutional mandate of the executive to present the budget to the National Assembly. Any deviation from this process, as Chief Dr. Eholor rightly points out, raises legitimate concerns about the integrity of the budgetary process.

Furthermore, Chief Dr. Eholor's demand for an explanation regarding the constitutionality and legality of Senator Imasuen's actions is rooted in his unwavering commitment to upholding the sanctity of the Nigerian Constitution. As a founding member and chieftain of the Labour movement in Edo South, Chief Dr. Eholor is acutely aware of the importance of safeguarding the democratic institutions that underpin our society.

Importantly, Chief Dr. Eholor's inquiry is devoid of personal vendettas or political agendas; rather, it stems from a genuine desire to protect the interests of the Nigerian people. His tireless efforts to promote transparency and accountability in governance deserve commendation and support from all well-meaning citizens.

In conclusion, Chief Dr. Patrick Eholor's unwavering advocacy for accountability and transparency in governance serves as a testament to his dedication to the ideals of democracy. His actions remind elected officials of their accountability to the people they serve, emphasizing that integrity should always guide their conduct.

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