Unveiling the Veil: Chief Patrick Eholor’s Quest for Transparency and Rt Hon. Esosa Iyawe’s Unfortunate Response

As the founder of One Love Foundation, I am compelled to address recent events that have cast a shadow over the integrity and reputation of both myself, Chief Dr. Patrick Eholor, and the esteemed Rt Hon. Esosa Iyawe. It is with a heavy heart and a sense of duty to the people we serve that I delve into the matter at hand, dissecting the events that have transpired and shedding light on the true intentions behind our actions.

On the 15th of February 2024, a statement published in the Vanguard newspaper and subsequently circulated on various social media platforms, including WhatsApp, has sparked controversy and division among the constituents of Oredo Federal Constituency. Rt Hon. Esosa Iyawe, in what can only be described as a libelous and injurious attack, sought to discredit my character and impugn my reputation by alleging wrongdoing in my request for accountability regarding entrusted palliatives.

Let me be unequivocally clear: it is not only my right but my moral obligation as a steward of public trust to demand transparency and accountability in matters concerning the welfare of the people. The palliatives in question were entrusted to my care with the explicit purpose of alleviating the suffering of the good people of Oredo Federal Constituency, and I stand by my decision to seek clarity on their distribution and utilization.

What motivates my actions is not personal gain or political vendetta, but rather a deep-seated commitment to the principles of justice, fairness, and public service. As the founder of One Love Foundation, I have dedicated my life to advocating for the rights and welfare of the marginalized and disenfranchised, and I will not waver in my pursuit of truth and accountability, regardless of the obstacles or adversaries I may encounter.

It is deeply regrettable that Rt Hon. Esosa Iyawe has chosen to respond to my legitimate concerns with baseless accusations and character assassination. Instead of engaging in constructive dialogue or providing evidence to refute my claims, he has resorted to tactics of defamation and obloquy, seeking to deflect attention from the real issue at hand: the need for transparency and accountability in the distribution of palliatives meant for the most vulnerable members of our society.

I call upon Rt Hon. Esosa Iyawe to rise above the politics of slander and innuendo and work ensuring that every citizen of Oredo Federal Constituency receives the assistance and support they so desperately need and deserve.

In conclusion, I reaffirm my unwavering commitment to the principles of transparency, accountability, and public service. I will not be deterred or intimidated by attempts to besmirch my reputation or impede my efforts to advocate for the welfare of the people. Together, let us strive to build a community founded on the values of justice, compassion, and solidarity – a community where every voice is heard, and every life is valued.

Chief Dr. Patrick Eholor

Founder, One Love Foundation

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