Rice Stampede: NSUK SUG President Suspended Indefinitely Over Gross Misconduct.


The president, Students’ Union Government of the Nasarawa State University, Keffi(NSUK), Comrade Buhari Ari Ibrahim, has been suspended indefinitely from office with immediate effect. 

In a letter dated March 26th, after an emergency plenary session held at the Moot Court of the university’s Faculty of Law, the legislature arm cited 5 offences for his indefinite suspension. 

Buhari popularly known as Bombay was suspended by the Legislative Arm of the union over alleged abuse of office and gross misconduct. 

According to the letter addressed to the president, the suspension was in line with the provisions of Article Six, section 5(2)(c) of the union’s constitution. 

The offences include failure to provide proper modalities on the distribution of palliative provided by the State Government for students. Buhari was alleged to have come up with ‘palliative beneficiary card’ without engaging the Senate which led to the fatal stampede that claimed the lives of students and left several others injured. 

Other offences are failure to appear before a committee of investigation set up by the Senate over some allegations levelled against him, failure to call and preside over EXCO meeting as directed by the Senate, inaccessible(he cannot be reached) and the failure to obtain the signatory of the union account. 

The Senate therefore directed him to handover the affairs of the union and documents in his possession to his Vice, Rasheedah Aroke, pending the outcome of ongoing investigation by a committee. 

“The Executive President must not be seen anywhere around the SUG Secretariat or have any access to union’s document,” the letter warned further. 

The Senate had during plenary session resolved on the suspension following a motion moved by Senator Emmanuel Jeremiah Ablaba and seconded by the Chairman, Senate Committee on Business, Senator Abdulkareem Anzaku.

Source: NSUK Students newsline/Facebook 

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