Demanding Accountability: Chief Dr. Patrick Eholor Calls for Transparency in Palliative Distribution by Rt. Hon. Esosa Iyawe


As Nigeria grapples with the economic challenges exacerbated by inflation and rising prices of goods and services, the plight of the masses has become increasingly dire. In response to the hardships faced by the people, the federal government, under the leadership of President Ahmed Bola Tinubu, initiated palliative measures aimed at providing relief to citizens across all constituencies in the country. However, concerns have arisen regarding the equitable distribution of these palliatives, prompting Chief Dr. Patrick Eholor, the founder of One Love Foundation, to demand transparency and accountability from elected representatives such as Rt. Hon. Esosa Iyawe, Member of the Federal House of Representatives for Oredo East Constituency in Edo State.

*The Economic Challenges Facing Nigeria.

The Nigerian economy has been grappling with inflationary pressures and rising costs of goods and services, placing a heavy burden on the populace, particularly the vulnerable segments of society. The increasing prices of essential commodities, coupled with stagnant wages, have made it increasingly difficult for many Nigerians to make ends meet, leading to widespread hardship and suffering.

*The Role of Palliatives in Alleviating Hardship.

In recognition of the economic challenges facing the country, the federal government, led by President Ahmed Bola Tinubu, implemented palliative measures aimed at providing relief to the masses. These palliatives, which include food items, cash transfers, and other forms of assistance, were intended to alleviate the suffering caused by inflation and rising costs. However, the effectiveness and fairness of the distribution of these palliatives have come under scrutiny.

*Demanding Transparency from Elected Representatives

As elected representatives tasked with advocating for the interests of their constituents, individuals like Rt. Hon. Esosa Iyawe bear a significant responsibility in ensuring that palliatives reach those who need them most. Chief Dr. Patrick Eholor, through One Love Foundation, is demanding that Rt. Hon. Esosa Iyawe disclose crucial information regarding the distribution of palliatives in Oredo East Constituency. Specifically, Chief Dr. Eholor is calling for transparency on:

1. Beneficiaries: Who received the palliatives? It is imperative for constituents to know who benefited from the resources provided by the federal government to address the economic hardships caused by inflation.

2. Timing: When were the palliatives distributed? Timeliness is crucial in ensuring that aid reaches those in need promptly, particularly in the face of economic challenges.

3. Distribution Process: How were the palliatives distributed? Was there a fair and transparent process in place, or were resources distributed arbitrarily?

*The Importance of Accountability and Transparency

Accountability and transparency are fundamental principles of good governance and democracy. Without transparency in the distribution of palliatives, there is a risk of resources being mismanaged, diverted, or allocated unfairly, exacerbating the suffering of those already facing economic hardships. Elected representatives must be held accountable for their actions and decisions, particularly when it comes to the allocation of public resources intended to alleviate the plight of the masses.

*The Path to Transparency

To achieve transparency in palliative distribution, Rt. Hon. Esosa Iyawe must take the following steps:

1. Public Disclosure: Provide detailed information on the beneficiaries, timing, and distribution process of the palliatives distributed in Oredo East Constituency.

2. Independent Verification: Allow for independent verification of the distribution process to ensure its fairness and integrity.

3. Community Engagement: Engage with the community to address any concerns or grievances regarding the distribution of palliatives and solicit feedback for future initiatives.


Chief Dr. Patrick Eholor's demand for transparency and accountability in the distribution of palliatives by Rt. Hon. Esosa Iyawe is a call to uphold the principles of good governance and serve the interests of the people. In the face of economic challenges caused by inflation and rising costs, it is imperative that elected representatives act with integrity and transparency in the allocation of resources intended to alleviate the suffering of the masses. By demanding transparency, Chief Dr. Eholor is advocating for the rights of citizens and striving to ensure that relief reaches those who need it most.

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